Chapter 20

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I paced back and forth in my room, not knowing what to do. I left right away after seeing what had happened a while ago. I could’ve sworn that Danny saw me. But I didn’t care about that right now. All I care about now is that I’m back in my room and I can curl into a ball on my bed anytime I want. Question is, why am I even stressing about this right now? I have a lot of better things to do, like doing my research project for my science class or completing that story for English. The one when I was partnered with Jay. JAY! Now that’s the answer to my problems. He can make me forget about them once I see him… but why do I have a feeling it won’t work this time? 

I massaged my temples as I sat down on my own bed. Man, it sure is hard to maintain your feelings. One minute you’re in love with a person as if he’s already everything to you then the next you’re not even sure if you feel the same anymore. Ughh, what is up with me?!

I decided to take a warm shower. It’s my way of relaxing whenever I’m… bugged with something. After taking a shower, I put on this big sized t-shirt and baggy shorts, which both belonged to my twin brother. Now I feel fresh as ever. I went downstairs and grabbed my bucket of ice cream (another one of my comfort stuff) in the fridge. Then I stumbled into the living room and sluggishly sat on the couch and watched Disney channel. Luckily, a movie was on.

For about half an hour, I stayed like that until I noticed something going on outside and took a peek through the window. Thunder came roaring and lightning filled the sky with heavy rain pouring down. Now how come the weather channel didn’t mention that a big storm is coming? Oh right, I don’t watch the weather channel.

Suddenly, I felt something vibrate from my pocket. It was my phone. I fished it out and looked at the caller ID. It was Paul.

“Hey, bro.” I greeted casually.

“Since when did you use that nickname on me?” he said, fake disgust flowing along with his words. “And hello by the way.”

I giggled. Paul never fails to make me laugh. “Why’d you call?”

“First of all, I wanted to know how’d it go and second I needed to inform you that I’m not coming home since there’s a big storm coming and you practically brought with you my truck which gives me no option on how to get home.”

“Hey, you made me bring it. Don’t put the blame on me.” I told him.

“Yeah, yeah I know.” he chuckled. “So… did you talk to Danny?”

“Um, not exactly.” Again, that strange pang in the chest has returned as the memories came flowing back. “He… um, Susan said he had gone somewhere else.”

“Oh.” Was all he said.

“She herself didn’t seem to know where he went.” I chuckled nervously. I was lying, I know. But I just couldn’t tell him that he went to Kate’s house and probably had a make out session in there or something. But I did know that they kissed…passionately…in front of me. I don’t know why I’m thinking like this..

“Well that’s strange, usually he tells his parents where he goes.”

“Not this time, I guess.” I mumbled. “Anyways. Where are you staying?”

“At Lau’s.” he answered, which pretty much sent me to laugh real hard. I swear if I was drinking something, I would’ve spilt it. 

“Are… you…kidding me?” I asked in between laughs.


“Well, well, well my bro just got lucky.” I giggled. “Please don’t try anything stupid on my best friend.”

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