1~Tuesday Night Slack

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Kaycee's POV unless it says differently

I pull into the rodeo grounds in Phillipsburg, Kansas and put my horses in the barn for competitors. I brought Alcatraz and Sky with me today. I go check in and I'm told that my barrel run will be at 8, but I need to be at the arena earlier than that.

 I go back to the barn and I stop to admire a beautiful bay horse. He stops eating and comes over to the door. I begin to softy stroke his nose. 

"Why are you touching my horse?" A gruff voice asks from behind me. 

"I'm so sorry. I was just.." I trail off as I turn around and come face to face with my roping rival, Tuf Cooper. 

"Kaycee?" Tuf questioned.

 "Yes." I answer quietly. 

"You aren't poisoning Topaz are you?" He asked. 

"Of course not. I want to win, but I'd never hurt an animal. Especially one as beautiful as him." I answer. 

"Ok. I'm sorry that I accused you." Tuf apologized. 

"It's ok. I would've done the same thing if I were you." I said. 

"Why don't you come over for supper tonight at my trailer. It's my way of saying sorry." He suggests. 

"That'd be great. I run barrels at 8." I say. 

"Well, I rope at 6 so we can eat in between those times." Tuf says. 

"Sounds great. I may go down to the arena and watch you rope." I say as I stroke topaz again.

"Okay. I'll have to watch you run barrels. What night do you rope?" He asked. 

"Thursday night I do tie-down and on Saturday, I team rope with my sister Kassidy." I answer. 

"Wow! Do you Bronc ride too?" He asked sarcastically.

 "I want to, but my mom says that it's too dangerous." I answer and smile. 

"Can I see your horses?" Tuf asks.

 "How'd you know that I have more than one horse?" I asked.

"I do pay attention to your rides at rodeos. Besides, you've been doing this for as long as I have." He answered. 

"Oh. My horses are this way." I say as i blush and lead him down the hall to Alcatraz and Sky. "This is Sky." I say and point at my beautiful white gelding. 

"You barrel race him right." Tuf questions as he strokes Sky's nose. 

"Yep and Alcatraz is my roping horse." I say and we move over to Alcatraz's stall. 

"Wow! He sure gives Topaz a run for his money." Tuf says. 

"No way. Topaz is really handsome." I stick up for his horse. 

"Is he more handsome than his rider?" Tuf asks. 

"Yeah a lot more." I answer and smile at him. 

"That was very rude Ms.Smith." He teases.

I look at my phone and it's already 5 o'clock. "Mr.Cooper you may wanna go get ready for your ride." I say. 

"What time is it?" Tuf asks. 

"5." I answer. 

"Crap. I gotta go change and get Topaz tacked up." He said. 

"I can get Topaz ready for you." I offer. 

"Are you sure?" Tuf asks.

 "Yes. I won't hurt him Tuf. I promise." I assure.

 "Okay. Follow me to my trailer." He says.

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