20~New Baby

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Today is June 21. It's 5 days past my due date and my water just broke, so Tuf is rushing me to the hospital.
I just had a beautiful baby girl. I was in labor for 5 hours, but it was totally worth it. Tuf and I decided to name her Isabelle Rae Cooper. She has piercing blue eyes, long eyelashes, and blond hair. Isabelle weighs 8.3 pounds and is 20 inches long. She resembles Tuf a lot.
I look in the doorway to see my mother and Nathan.
Nate hops up on the bed beside me and grabs my hand.
"Would you like to hold your sister, Nate?" Tuf asks.
Nathan nods and I had Isabelle to him.
"She's adorable." I hear him whisper.
Tuf smiles and takes a picture of Nathan, Isabelle and I.

The next day, Isabelle and I are dismissed from the hospital. Tuf drives us home and we get Isabelle settled into her crib. I decide to lay on my bed and take a little nap.   ** "Kaycee" Tuf calls. I get off the bed and run into the nursery. "What's wrong?" I ask.
"Isabelle won't stop throwing up." Tuf answers as he holds Izzy.
"Should we take her to the hospital?" I ask.
"Ya that's probably a good idea." He says.
I slip a pair of flip-flops as Tuf puts Izzy into her carrier. We head out to the truck and I sit in the back with her as Tuf drives to the hospital.
A doctor runs some tests and it turns out that Isabelle is just allergic to her formula. We switch the formula and head back home. Izzy sleeps soundly through the night and doesn't throw up again. It's weird having a new born in the house because we didn't get Nathan until he was a toddler. Nate really loves his little sis, and I know that they'll have a strong bond when they're older.

I'm happy I have two healthy kids, and an amazing husband that helps me with them.

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