2~Tuf Enough To Wear Pink

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It's Thursday and I'm currently sitting with Tuf on his couch. It's 5 o'clock and I don't rope until 9. I look over at Tuf and see him staring at me. 

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask. 

"I'm staring because you're beautiful." He answers. 

"Shut up." I say playfully.

 "I'm serious Kaycee." Tuf said before moving closer to me. 

"I don't believe you." I said. 

"That's fine." He said and kissed my cheek before getting off the couch.

 He grabbed my hand and led me out of the trailer. Tuf leads me to the barn and we stop in front of Sky's stall. 

"What are we doing?" I asked. 

"I figured we could go for a ride. It'll help clear your mind before you rope later." Tuf suggested. 

"Tuf, Sky isn't a pleasure horse." I said. 

"C'mon Kaycee." He pleased. 

"I don't feel like riding right now." I said.

"Fine. Lets go watch a movie then." Tuf said and we walked back to his trailer. 

I sat down on the couch while Tuf put in a movie. When it came on, I noticed that it was The Longest Ride. 

"I love this movie." I said and snuggled into Tuf's side when he sat down.


I leaped into Tuf's arms after my run. I had a time of 8.3 seconds which was just 0.2 seconds faster than Tuf's run. 

"You did amazing Kaycee." Tuf complimented before kissing my cheek and hugging me again. 

I hugged him back, but soon pulled away. I wrapped my arms around Alcatraz's neck and kissed his muzzle multiple times. 

Then, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and I turned around to see Trevor Brazile. 

"Hi." I said nervously. 

"Hey Kaycee. Tuf has told me a lot about you. You're run was amazing." Trevor complimented. 

"Thank you so much sir. I appreciate you watching me." I said and shook his hand.

 "No problem young lady. I hope to see more of you at rodeos." Trevor said. 

"I'm gonna try and go to more rodeos this year than I did last year." I said. 

"That's great!. You're an amazing roper Kaycee. You better keep with it." Trevor said.

 "Thanks. That means a lot to me." I said and smiled. 

"Well, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you Kaycee." Trevor said and he shook my hand again before walking away.

Tuf wrapped his arms around me. "I'm very proud of you Kaycee." He said and kissed my cheek. 

"Thanks Tuf." I said and kissed his jaw lightly. 

We started to walk back to my trailer, but we were soon stopped by two 20 some year old girls. They were both wearing revealing tank tops, short shorts, and brand new cowboy boots. 

"Tuf, can I get a pic with you?" The blonde one asked.

"Sure." Tuf said and took a quick picture with her.

 "Thanks." She said and they walked off. 

Tuf and I continued the walk to my trailer and I untracked Alcatraz as Tuf signed a couple autographs. I put Alcatraz in his stall before feeding him and Sky. 

As I walked back to my trailer, my phone began to ring.It was my sister Kassidy. 

"Hey Kass." I answered. 

"Hey Kay." She said.

 "What's up?" I asked. 

"I was just calling to tell you that I'll get to Phillipsburg in an hour or so." She said. 

"Yay! I have some news to tell you when you get here." I said. 

"I can't wait to hear it. I gotta go. Bye sis." Kassidy said. 

"Bye Kass." I said and hung up right as I reached my trailer. 

I opened the door to find Tuf sitting on my couch. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"Can't I visit my amazing girlfriend?" Tuf questioned. 

"Sorry. I'm just stressing about my sister coming." I said as I sat down on the couch. 

"Why?" He asked. 

"Because she can be sort of a diva sometimes." I answered.

 "It'll be okay." Tuf said and put his arm around me.

1 hour later

"I missed you so much Kaycee." My sister said as she hugged me. 

"I missed you too Kass." I said as we pulled away from our hug.

 "Who's this guy?" Kass asked and pointed to Tuf. 

"This is Tuf Cooper, my boyfriend." I answered. 

"It's nice to meet you." Tuf said and shook Kassidy's hand. 

"Mom's gonna love him." Kass said. 

"Kassidy." I groaned and Tuf just smiled politely. 

"Kass, you should probably go put your horse away." I suggested. 

"Oh yeah. I'll be back." She said and left. 

"I'm sorry about that." I apologized to Tuf. 

"It's okay Kaycee." He sad and kissed my cheek. 

20 minutes later, Kass came back, but she wasnt alone. Some guy about my age was with her. 

"Hey guys this is Dylan. I met him at the horse barn. He's a roper too." Kassidy introduced. 

"Hi." I greeted politely. 

We all decided to play truth or dare.

 "I'll start." Kassidy said. 

"Okay." I agreed.

 "Tuf, truth or dare?" Kass asked. 

"Dare." Tuf answered. 

"I dare you to kiss Kaycee." Kassidy said and grinned viciously. 

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