9~Smith Family Reunion

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Today is February 3rd, 2017. Tuf and I have been engaged for 2 months now and we are currently on our way to Dallas for my family reunion. Tuf is going to meet a lot of my family for the first time, so I'm super nervous. It'll also be the first time that some of them hear about the engagement.
"Tuf how far away are we?" I asked
"About thirty minutes babe." He said and rested his right hand on my left thigh.
"Tuf, we are on interstate! Keep both hands on the wheel." I scolded.
He chuckled and put his right hand back on the wheel.
"We need to figure out a wedding date soon." Tuf said.
"I know. I just don't know when a good time will be." I said
"Ya. We'll have to sit down with our parents sometime and figure out a good date." Tuf suggested.
"Ya. We also need to figure out where we want to have the ceremony and reception at." I said.
"I figured we could have the reception in the indoor arena that's getting built by our house." Tuf suggested.
"That'd be cool. Do you want to have the ceremony in a church?" I asked.
"It definitely has to be in a church." He answered.
"Ok." I said and smiled.

In Dallas

Tuf and I just pulled into the campground that we'll be at all weekend. We brought our small airstream with us to sleep in. We parked it beside my parents' camper. We got out of the truck and went to where most of my family was congregating. I hugged my grandparents before introducing them to Tuf.
"Tuf, this is my grandma Jan and my grandpa George. Grandma and grandpa this is my fiancé Tuf." I introduced. My grandma hugged Tuf and my grandpa shook his hand. There was only one empty seat, so I sat down on Tuf's lap. He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled at him.
"When's the wedding date?" Dad asked.
"We're not sure yet Mr. Smith." Tuf answered.
"Tuf, I told you to call me Keith. Mr.Smith makes me sound old." My dad said and Tuf smiled.
"Hey Tuf. I'm glad you could make it." Mom said as she sat down on dad's lap.
"I wouldn't miss it, especially since I'll be part of the family soon." Tuf said with a smile.
"You're already part of the family Tuf." Mom said.
"Thank you Katlynn." He said while smiling.
"I still can't believe that my baby is getting married." Mom said.
"I know. It all seems unreal." Dad said as he kissed mom's cheek.
"Are you guys going to stay all weekend?" Grandma asked.
"Yes we are." I answered.
"You two aren't sleeping in the same bed are ya?" Grandpa asked.
"We are grandpa." I answered.
"But you're a Christian." Grandpa said.
"Grandpa I didn't come here to talk about my religion." I said, getting a little mad.
"Calm down." Tuf whispered into my ear as he tightened his hold on me. I calmed down a bit, but I'm still mad at grandpa.
"Kaycee, you and Tuf should come see how I decorated the new camper." Mom said as she stood up.
Tuf and I stood up and followed her into the camper. Mom and dad had bought an old, crappy camper and they renovated it.
"Wow mom! It looks amazing." I said as I sat down on the couch.
"Thanks sweetie." Mom said and smiled.
"Thanks for getting us away from grandpa." I said.
"He's way out of line questioning you about things he doesn't know. That man has barely been to church." Mom said as she sat on a chair.
Tuf sat down beside me and held my hand. We talked to mom until it was time to eat lunch. We had hamburgers with chips. I stayed as far away from my grandpa as I possibly could.
After lunch, Tuf wanted to go fishing, so we sat on a dock and we talked while he fished. He caught five fish, but they were too small to keep.
When we finally headed back to the campsite, it was time for supper. We ate meatloaf that  was made on a Traeger grill. Tuf and I decided that it'd be best for us to eat in the camper we brought. As we were eating I could hear my grandpa talking about me.
"You're seriously gonna let her sleep with that guy." Grandpa said.
"Dad, they're engaged, and Kaycee is an adult. I can't tell her what to do." Dad said.
"Keith, what about our Christian values?" Grandpa asked.
"George, when was the last time you actually attended a church service?" Mom asked.
"Ummmm..." Grandpa trailed off.
"Exactly. So stop criticizing us and our daughter." Mom said.

Tuf's mouth dropped open. I laughed at the expression on his face. We finished eating and laid down on the small twin size bed thats it our camper. I wrapped my arms around Tuf and cried slightly.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked.
"I wish my grandpa would like you more." I sobbed.
"Don't cry babe. He'll come around eventually." Tuf said and kissed the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around him tightly and fell asleep.

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