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Tuf and I are back in Decatur and we are currently watching Treston, Style, and Stetson. Stetson is our newest nephew. He's a year old.
"Kaycee." Tuf called, snapping me out of my thoughts. I went into the living room and stood beside him.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Can you take Style out to the barn?" He asked.
"Of course." I said and smiled.
Style is my favorite of the three. She takes my hand and we walk out to the barn.
"Aunt K, can I ride a horse?" Style asked sweetly.
"Of course sweetie! Which one?" I asked.
"Queenie!" She answered.
"Good choice. Queenie is a sweetheart." I said and got Queenie out of her stall.
I clipped her to the crossties and grabbed the grooming kit. Style groomed her while I got the kid saddle out of the tack room. I put the saddle pad and saddle on before going back to get the bridle. Then, I took of Queenie's halter and slipped on the bridle.
"You ready Style?" I asked.
"Yep." She said as she snapped on her helmet.
We went out to the arena and I helped her onto Queenie. I led her around for a while before letting her ride around on her own. After 30 minutes of riding, Style and I led Queenie back to the stable. We untacked her and put her in her stall. I put the tack away and we walked back to the house.
"Did you have a good ride Style?" Tuf asked.
"It was amazing uncle Tuf." Style answered before running off to play with Treston.
Tuf wrapped his arms around me from behind.
"The boys are wearing me out." He said as he laid his head on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry honey." I said and gripped his hands that are on my stomach.
"I still want kids though." Tuf said.
"Me too. Style is so sweet." I said.
"Can we have a kid in a year or so?" Tuf asked.
"I'll think about it baby." I said.
Then, we heard Stetson crying. I ran to the crib and picked him up. I murmured soothing words and rocked him softly. I sat down on the couch and he fell asleep on my chest. Tuf came in and sat beside me. He rubbed my thigh and I smiled at him.
"Will you check on Style and Treston?" I asked him.
"Of course babe." He said before kissing my forehead and going to the spare bedroom.
When Stetson was in a deep sleep, I sat him back in the crib quietly. I went to Tuf and I's room and laid down for a couple minutes.

That night, Tuf made a fort for Treston and Style to sleep in. It's so adorable watching him play with the kids. We decided to sleep on the couch that way we'd be close if they needed us. Tuf and I slept soundly through the night with no interruptions.
As I was making breakfast the next morning, Tuf came in carrying Stetson. He warmed up a bottle and gave it to him before setting him in the playpen.
"When will Trevor and Shada be back?" I asked.
"7 tonight I think." Tuf answered before wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into him.
"I love you." I said against his chest.
"I love you too babe." Tuf said into my hair.

I fed the kids breakfast while Tuf went out to feed the horses. When he came back in, he looked ticked off.
"What's wrong?" I asked him when we were alone in the living room.
"It's nothing sweetie. Don't worry about it." Tuf said and kissed my forehead.
"Tuf, we're married. You're supposed to tell me what's bothering you." I said.
"One of the cows got killed and it looks like it was killed by a mountain lion." He said.
"Oh. That's not good." I said.
"No it's not. So make sure the horses stay in the stable and that it's locked up good." He said.
"Ok I will." I said.
"Also babe, carry a gun with you whenever you step outside. I don't care if you're just stepping out on the porch, carry a gun." Tuf demanded.
"I will babe." I said.
I'm a little scared right now, but I'm not gonna say that to Tuf.

Trevor and Shada arrived at 7:30 and Style and Treston told them all about the stay. When the kids went to get their stuff, Tuf told Trevor and Shada about the possible mountain lion. Trevor said that he'd be on the lookout when he checked cows tomorrow. Soon, the Brazile family left and Tuf and I were kid free. We crawled into bed and quickly fell asleep.

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