1.2 - The Energy Crisis

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A 15 year old boy with green tentacles, named Kirk, stood in the plaza, his eyes glued to the large monitor that would soon announce the start of splatfest. After a few minutes of waiting in anticipation, a familiar chime sounded, the monitor switched on, and the Squid Sisters appeared and started with their usual introduction of Inkopolis news. 'Yes! Finally!' He thought to himself. He looked around, and saw most of the other Inklings had shifted their attention to the screen. He noticed a girl standing next to him with a serious expression on her face. He looked at her curiously for a moment, as her pink tentacles were in an unusual twin-tail style that went up and out, but he soon switched his attention back the the monitor.

"The moment you have all been waiting for is finally here!" Callie said, excitedly.

"But first we have a few announcements to make," Marie said in a more serious tone than her usual sarcastic attitude. Most of the Inklings didn't notice, but Kirk did.

"I wonder if something's up," he said to himself. The girl standing next to him glanced over as he continued to watch the screen.

"Due to the energy crisis, this may be the last splatfest we can host for a while," Marie continued. "The turf war games may also be suspended until the zapfish is found." Kirk stared in disbelief. Looking around, he saw most of the other Inklings had similar expressions.

"Which is why we have to make this splatfest a great one!" Callie said, in an attempt to lighten the mood. "As most of you know, we're doing something a little different this time. Marie and I, will pair with two lucky Inklings to kick off this splatfest with a bang!"

Kirk's excitement had returned. He had spent many days trying to earn a spot as one of those who would be paired with the Squid Sisters. He was a major fan of them, and adored both their singing, and the girls themselves. He knew his devotion was about to pay off today.

"It's time to announced the two winners of the pairing contest!" Callie said with a smile on her face.

"Wait for it!" Marie chimed in, back in her usual stage persona.

"Congratulations to Kirk Kelpie and Neptune Sireness!" Callie shouted. "Please be at the transport lobby in half an hour. To the rest of you, enjoy our show, and better luck next time!" The squid sisters signed off with their usual 'Stay Fresh' routine.

Kirk couldn't contain his excitement. "Yes!" He said to himself. "I actually did it!" The girl standing next to him, looked over.

"I guess you must be Kirk." Startled, Kirk turned to look at her. "I'm Neptune, the other contest winner."

"That's me!" He said excitedly, as he shook her hand. "We're partners now, so let's do our best for the Squid Sisters!"

"That too, I suppose." Kirk looked at her with a puzzled expression, then raised his weapon to show her.

"By the way, what class are you? I use the mini splatling."

"Not a bad choice. I use the .52 Gal." She un-slung her weapon for Kirk to see. Something that was usually forbidden in the plaza. "With you and Callie covering turf, and me on support with Marie, I think we have a pretty good chance at winning this." Neptune put her weapon back in place, and turned away. "Provided you can keep up, that is."

"Of course I can!" Kirk retorted. "I've been practicing like crazy".

"So you have." She looked at his headgear. "Nice helmet, by the way. Those aren't easy to find, or cheap." She was referring to his stealth goggle headset that went with his baseball jersey and blue moto boots. Neptune had on studio headphones, a retro sweat and Acerola rain boots.

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