3.3 - Unholy Alliance

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"You know, the longer you remain stubborn, the harder it is to control myself." An Inkling was bent over Jack, who was strapped to a chair with an Octarian eel. Jack was covered in numerous bruises and cuts, and was clearly in a lot of pain. For the past week, Jack had been subjected to interrogation by this sadistic inkling, but so far had managed to keep from completely breaking.

"I've already... told you.. everything," Jack muttered to his interrogator.

"Clearly not. That doesn't tell me who hired you, or what you were doing in Ceph," the Inkling responded. "Now, are you going to tell me what I want to hear?" Jack didn't respond, and the Inkling struck him. "I suppose that's enough for now. Can't have you dying just yet." The interrogator went over to the intercom, and called for the guards.

"Guess I'm... pretty important, huh?" Jack said.

"Don't get full of yourself," the Inkling snapped. "It was fun for a while, but I'm getting tired of this game. You just keep that in mind before I start getting rough."

"I guess that was just... cuddling, then," Jack said with sarcasm, as he was released from his restraints. Two Octolings entered the room, and escorted Jack into the hallway. As he limped back towards his cell, he noticed a pink Inkling female approaching them. When she was close enough, Jack pretended to trip and fall forwards, which knocked over the girl.

"You stupid oaf!" One of the Octolings yelled, and pulled him off of the Inkling. After being lifted up, Jack took a look at the person he had run into. His eyes narrowed when he saw who it was.

"Well, if it isn't Jack, the faux detective," she said to him.

"If it isn't Neptune, the faux Inkling," Jack snapped in response.

"You two know each other?" One of the Octolings asked.

"Unfortunately," They both said. The other Octoling hit Jack on his backside, and pointed down the hall.

"This idiot needs to be taken back to his cell. Talk to Jade if you want to hear what his deal is."

"I'll do that. I got time, since my squad won't be apart of the attack on Walleye Warehouse."

"That's today? I guess lord Octavio is eager to get started. Did they say how many were being sent?" The first Octoling asked.

"I think Gull said three squads of Inklings, and three of Octolings," Neptune responded.

"I wish I could go. Even after leaving the Mariners, I still get guard duty," said the second Octoling. "Wait, we shouldn't be talking in front of a prisoner!"

"What's he going to do? Pull a phone out of thin air and call someone on the surface?" Neptune took another look at Jack. "Welp, keep up the good work there, tiger shark." Neptune resumed her walk down the metal corridor, and the Octolings pushed Jack forward again. Eventually, they made it back to the brig, and Jack was forced back into his cell.

"Oh, I will keep up the good work, alright." Jack said to himself. He was finally alone again, since the Octarian scientist had been moved to another location. Taking the phone he had stolen from Neptune's pocket, Jack quickly started writing a text message to the first name on the contact list that Jack recognized, and ignored the fact the phone had an identification scrambler on it.


The air was still, in Walleye Warehouse. The area that had been set up as a turf war arena was not in use, and the rest of the building was empty since the work day was over. On the large rear crate, Marie and Citra were lying prone, and had their chargers aimed at the center of the turf arena, with Kirk providing defense from below. Briki was doing the same on the left catwalk, and was supported by Sandy. Callie, along with Frost, Levin, Shara and Bass, were hiding in ink on the backside of the crate stack, in the center of the arena. Otome, Yako, Tanner and Drake, were on the far right ramp.

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