Prologue 1 - To reap what is sewn

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Earth 2017 A.D.

Pollution levels, both in the air and the sea, are at critical levels. Scientists have long warned of the dangers of global warming, but the politicians refuse to act on it, and the general population is too occupied with trivial matters to care. Thanks to this inaction, the summer of 2017 reaches record temperatures across the globe. The already melting polar icecaps reach their breaking point, and ocean levels begin to raise at drastic rates.

Earth 2018 A.D.

Half of the existing land masses are now underwater. The remaining nations decide to put their faith in a project that, until a few years ago, had been abandoned due to lack of funding. Project Eden, as it would be known, is now humanities last hope. The project called for the construction of two spacecraft that were larger than anything ever launched in the history of human space travel. Leading the project is professor Manfred Von Kaufmann, who is also the creator of the cryogenic sleeper capsules needed to make the journey.

Earth 2019 A.D.

Humanity is on its knees. Only four hundred humans are left at the Eden Facility. They no longer have the time or resources to complete the second craft, and even the first had to be rushed to completion. Thus, only three hundred of the four hundred survivors would make it into space. The rest would be left behind in the remaining cryogenic pods to await the day when the space faring humans would return for them after finding a new home. The day of the launch has come, and Manfred's son, Drake, is left with a life changing decision to make. One that would affect more than he could ever know.

Earth 2019 A.D... the day of project Eden's launch...

"You're getting on that ship!" Drake Von Kaufmann had spent the last half hour arguing with his best friend, Hannah. She stared at him with her green eyes, and her red ponytail fluttered in the breeze from the ventilation system. Not very much time was left until the Eden craft would be launched, and he knew he had to convince her to leave.

"But what about you?" Hanna responded. "You earned your spot on this ship. All those bandit attacks you, and your team, fought off? We wouldn't be having this launch at all, if not for the security forces. Especially after Captain Tran's death!" Hannah pleaded with Drake to reconsider, but he would have none of it.

"All the more reason for me to stay," Drake said. "I wouldn't feel right if I was the only member of first squad to leave." Drake paused, and looked Hannah right in the eye. "And if I left you behind, I would never forgive myself."

"But..." Hannah started to argue again, but Drake cut her off.

"And what use would I be in the new colony?" Hannah went silent. "Most of the people on that ship are either scientists, or children. Those kids will need someone kind to look after them in their new life." Drake was determined to end this conversation now, as Commander Mclarrin had started the countdown. "Someone like you. You have always been good with kids." Drake took his boarding pass, and placed it in Hannah's hand. "I'm staying behind, and that is that. Someone has to make sure the old man and Mclarrin, don't kill each other."

Hannah looked at Drake, fighting back tears. "You're my best friend. You have always been there for me when I needed it the most."

"I know," Drake said, and looked away. "I feel the same way." He turned to face her again. "Even if the project goes according to plan, I doubt we will see each other again. It will be ages before the Eden Colony has the resources or means to come back for us." There was more Drake wanted to say, but he didn't want to make things more difficult than they already were. Hannah knew he was right, and while that made it all the more difficult to leave, deep down she knew this was what was best for both of them. She hugged her best friend one last time and turned away.

"I promise that we will come back for you and the others." She paused before saying her final goodbyes. "Take care, Drake"

"You too, Hannah." And with that, she boarded the Eden ship, and would never see him again. Drake left the gantry, and headed to where his father was waiting.

"Son." Manfred reached out to Drake's shoulder, while looking him in the eye. "As a father, I would have much preferred you left on that ship."

"I know," said Drake, brushing his father's hand off.

"But that was a very brave thing you did, and I'm proud of you." What he said next shocked Drake. "But are you sure it's okay for her to leave with out telling her how you really feel?"

Drake stared at his father for a moment. "How did you know?"

"I may have been busy with my work, but I'm still your father."

Drake thought for a moment before replying. "Yes, I love her, but what good would it do? We will never see each other again. Why make this any more complicated?"

Manfred was impressed. "I understand," he said, and his expression changed to one of concern. "But don't let those feelings bottle up inside you. We have a lot of preparations to make before we can start the cryogenic process, and you don't want that eating away at you."

"I know, dad. I'll find some way of distracting myself when I'm not busy. Maybe I'll finish one of those games Brandon and Takeshi let me borrow."

"Well, we should get to the control room. There is still a few minute until launch, and Commander Mclarrin will have a fit if I'm not there".

"Right..." The two left the launch bay.

In the control room, Commander Mclarrin was pacing impatiently. 'Where is he?' She thought to herself. 'We have already delayed the launch once, and he knows I want him here.' She was about to reach for the intercom, when the door opened, and Manfred and his son, walked in. She thought about chewing him out, but after watching what his son did from the control room, she let it pass and simply motioned for Manfred to take his station.

"I'll watch from over here," Drake said, as he sat near the door.

Manfred sat at his station and glanced at the monitors. "Everything checks out," he said to Mclarrin. "We can launch any time."

The countdown was seconds away from completion. Mclarrin took the radio and signaled the Eden craft. "Control to Eden craft, you are clear for launch as soon as the hanger doors are open."

The response came immediately. "Roger, control. All non essential personal are in their cryogenic pods, and all systems are go on our end."

"Open the hanger doors!" Mclarrin was barking orders at a pace that surprised Drake. While he didn't know Mclarrin as well as his father, he did know that she was the type to do everything strictly by the book and never take any chances. This was the first time he saw her rush anything.

"Bay doors open!" One of the nearby techs shouted. Mclarrin hesitated for a moment, then handed the radio to Manfred.

"This is control, you are go for launch. Good luck out there."

The voice on the radio responded for the last time. "Roger, control. We'll find a new world for every one to be proud of. Good luck with your cryo sleep." With a load roar, the Eden craft's engines came to life, and the giant shuttle departed for the stars.

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