3.8 - One Last Respite.

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An hour later, the agents of squidbeak had taken the injured and tired prisoners to the hospital. It was now around 6 in the evening, and since they still had a few hours before they would meet up with Drake Otome, and Tanner, the group decided to split up for the time being. The squid sisters returned to the studio to catch up on their broadcasts, while Briki, Yako and Kelly, went out for dinner to a place that would actually serve the Octolings. Kirk had said he wanted to be alone, and had wondered off on his own.

"Do you think they will be okay?" Levin asked, as he exited the hospital with Shara.

"I think so, but I wonder if the doctors even know how to treat Octarians," Shara responded. "The Octolings were pretty beat up, and I'm amazed that Octotrooper is still breathing."

"True, but it shouldn't be too hard. I mean, the Octolings aren't that different from us anatomically," Levin said. Shara looked at him like he had an amoeba growing on him.

"I guess you do pay attention from time to time. Wait, putting aside how you even know that word, how do you know about Octoling anatomy?"

"What? I can know things too!" Levin said. Shara just gave him a stare. "Okay, so I asked Tanner about it a while back."

"I should have figured," Shara said with a sigh. "I can probably guess what you wanted with that information." Shara started walking forward, but then stopped. "So... things might get b-bad tomorrow. This might be our last... c-chance to.."

"To what?" Levin asked. Shara slightly turned her head towards him.

"T-to go on... you know. A d-... a d-..."

"A what now?"

"I SAID A DATE!" She shouted, and Levin could see her face go extremely red.

"Ohhh! Right!" Levin said, and proudly walked up to her side. "I have no intention of dying tomorrow, but if this really is my last night in this world, then I can't think of any other way I would like to spend it."

"Y- you dork!" Shara said in response. Levin took hold of her hand, which caused her to go ever redder, but she didn't resist. While he still wasn't used to Shara being in a docile state, he slowly took the lead, and the two headed to the tram station.


"Damn it! Why did she have to do that!" Kirk was wondering around the deserted alley ways near the plaza, while he cursed to himself. Ever since Drake had informed the group of the startling revelation by Neptune, his mind was constantly running through worst case scenarios. Unlike the others, who were more worried about the upcoming battle, Kirk was only concerned with Neptune.

"If only we had trusted her! Maybe would could have gotten to her before... no, think Kirk! They had captured her right after she sent us the signal." While he was sure the others were also worried about her, he couldn't quite figure out why Neptune was the only thing on his mind. Part of it was shame for not trusting her, but he wasn't sure about the rest. After watching Levin and Shara, he didn't think it was love. She always irritated him, but he never hated her for it. Though, he could never figure out how she saw him.

"So what the hell is wrong with me?" Kirk said, as he kicked a rock down the path. He continued to ponder, but no answers came to him. "Ugh! What difference does it make! My friend is in trouble, and it's up to me to go get her! Just wait, Neptune. We'll beat those bums, then come find you!" Finding his resolve, Kirk started heading back towards the plaza, but then a rumbling sound could be heard coming from his stomach. "A-after dinner, of course."


After exiting the tram, Levin and Shara headed into Arowana mall, while still holding hands. They stood in place for a few awkward seconds, not knowing what to do. "Gu- I mean, that ex of mine, never took me on anything resembling an actual date. What do we do first?" Shara asked.

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