2.4 - Fossils and Tentacles

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The warm water was a soothing sensation for Drake, as he cleaned the sweat and grime off his body. Though, the ink that the pink clothed Inkling had sprayed him with had already dissolved by the time he got in the shower. "This isn't how I expected to make contact," he said to himself. "Mclarrin is really going to let me have it when I get back. IF I get back." He shut the water off, and started to dry himself.

The inside of the old Inkling's shack was larger than it appeared from the outside. From the door, there was a small entry way that lead to a kitchen and dining area. On the far side, there were two doors. The first lead to a bedroom, and Drake noticed the old looking television, complete with rabbit ear antenna. The door that faced the kitchen, was the bathroom that Drake currently occupied.

As he finished drying himself, he put on his underwear and the lower half of his uniform. Before changing back into the top half of his uniform, he opened the door to let the air circulate. Suddenly, he heard a loud crash that was accompanied by an "EEP!" Which Drake understood even with out the autotran in place. Startled, Drake quickly grabbed his handgun, and turned towards the entryway.

The Inkling wearing pink was half hidden in the entryway, while her top half peaked out, and she stared at Drake with a red face. Remembering that he was still half naked, he closed the door, placed the handgun back in its holster, and put on the rest of his uniform and equipment, say for the helmet that he left outside.

The pink clothed Inkling was still standing in the entryway when Drake came out of the bathroom. Unsure what to do, he took a seat at the table. "So... um," was all he was able to get out. The Inkling said nothing in response, and continued to stare. The situation had become very awkward, to say the least. Drake turned on his data pad, and started working on his expeditionary journal. After a few minutes, he could hear footsteps slowly approach him. As soon as he looked up, the Inkling ran back to the entryway.

"I, uh, I won't hurt you," Drake said, thinking that she was afraid of him because of how he had shot the green one. After a few more minutes, he heard the Inkling approach him again. He waited until she was right in front of him to look at her. While she didn't retreat this time, her bright red face was pointed downwards.

"I... uh... I mean..." Otome's description made the Inklings sound aggressive, or even violent, yet this girl was clearly afraid, "...okay?" She got out.

"Uh, Sorry. I didn't get that," Drake responded.

"A-are... you... okay?" She said again, while trying to keep herself from shaking.

"Oh, I'm okay. The stuff you sprayed me with made me feel strange, but I think it's completely worn off." The Inkling didn't respond. "Um, you don't have to be afraid of me. I'm not going to hurt you, and I'm really sorry I shot-"

Suddenly, the Inkling jumped forward, and put her arms around him. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I didn't know! We thought you were trying to kill Kirk, and...and.."

Drake, stunned and somewhat confused, put his hand on her shoulders. "H-hey, it's okay! It was a misunderstanding. I'm not mad. See?" Drake forced a smile, as the girl looked at him.

"R-really? You'll forgive me?"

"Really. We all jumped to conclusions. I was just trying to protect Otome, and I thought the sniper was another Mariner." Her face lit up under her hat and sun glasses.

"T-thank you! I was so afraid that you would hate me!" She said, and hugged him again. After a few minutes, she pulled away and removed her head gear, exposing her black eye marks and the top part of her black tentacles. While his first thoughts were how pretty she was, she was also familiar in a way that Drake couldn't place.

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