3.7 - Revelations

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Three hours earlier:

A figure was being chased through the metal hallways of the underwater complex. It had just ran from the prison area, and had ducked into a supply room to avoid the perusing Jade, but he soon caught up and begin to search the cluttered room. "I know you're in here!" Jade said. He nodded to the Octoling standing next to him, and she tossed out a point sensor. The figure's beacon immediately lit up on Jade's automap behind some old crates.

"Found you! If you want to live past tomorrow, you'd best come out of there!" Jade said, as he slowly approached. Suddenly, a seeker came out from behind the crate stack. Jade and the Octolings rolled out of the way, but instead of tracking them, the seeker continued to move forwards, and out the door. Jade cursed, as he saw the splashes of a squid following the ink trail the seeker had made. The figure quickly reverted to bipedal form, and begin running down the hallways again.

While many of the rogue forces had returned to the surface, the remaining fighters were actively searching the hallways. The figure darted between the patrols as best as possible, and made way to the second floor. "Ah! Over here!" A voice from behind said, as the figure climbed the stairs. It looked behind, and saw an Octoling was trying to call Jade on her communicator. Cursing, the figure quickly made her way to the control room.

The staff that normally occupied the control room had already been moved to the surface, which left the room empty. This was fortunate for the figure, as it was able to slam the door behind them and lock it shut. The figure then quickly ran to the door on the opposite side, and quickly locked it too. "We know you're in there! Open this door, now!" Jade yelled from the opposite side of the first door.

Ignoring his commands, the figure quickly moved to the center console and powered it on. However, it soon let out another curse, as the console showed symbols that matched the elder race's dialect. Panicking, it quickly looked around and spotted a notebook that had been left behind by the staff. It picked up the book, and sighed with relief. Remembering that the chairman had elder race scholars within his employ, it rapidly flipped through the book of notes containing translations of many of the consoles main functions.

The banging soon became louder, as more Octolings and Inklings joined Jade in trying to breakthrough the door. Trying to ignore the noise, the figure used the notes to navigate the foreign menu. "Emergency distress beacon? This could work," it said, and hit the command to send the signal. Another screen lit up to show that the signal had been sent. "That should get their attention. Now to change the password." Due to the careless technicians leaving their passwords in the notes, the figure was able to get access to the system's root password and change it, which prevented them from canceling the beacon.

"Good, you brought the torch. Cut this door down!" The figure could hear Jade yell.

"Crap, I don't have much time. Just gotta make this recording." Using the translation notes, the figure accessed the camera system and began recording a message, as the torch started cutting through the door. When the torch was nearly all the way through the door, the figure quickly backed out to the log-in screen. "I'm not running this time, yah bastards!" The figure said after the door came crashing down, unaware that the camera was still recording...


"It bothers me that we haven't seen anyone yet," Shara complained, as the squad slowly advanced towards the prison area. "Not to mention, it's been pretty quiet in general."

"Yeah, almost too qu-" Kirk started.

"Don't even say it!" Shara snapped back.

"S-sorry. I just agree that it's strange that we haven't seen or heard a thing since we got here," Kirk responded. "Maybe that text was a fake, after all."

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