3.1 - The Omen

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The sun was setting, and the city of Ceph looked even more lonely than it did in the day. Or at least, the simulated day/night cycle made it feel that way. After the war, the Octarians had encased the city in one of their domes, but it was widely unused, as the environmental damage caused by the Octoweapons was too severe to be safely inhabited. The city was mostly left to rot for the last 100 years, though the environmental systems were left active. As such, it made sense that this would be the perfect place for Octavio to hide out at. Or so the two junior detectives thought.

"Jack, we have been at it all day. Octavio is long gone by now," Owen said to his partner.

"You got a better idea, smart guy?" Jack responded. "It's your fault that Octavio got away in the first place."

"That's a fine thank you for keeping us alive. Do you even remember how badly we were outnumbered? If we had tried anything, we would have ended up like those guys from the government." Owen was getting impatient at his partner.

"Better than having Marie hate me," Jack responded. "Look, we still got time. Let's look around a bit more."

"Fine, but I'm pretty sure we are barking up the wrong tree." The two continued to wonder around the ruined city. The damage to the city was varied. In some areas, entire buildings were reduced to rubble, while others were almost in livable condition.

Another hour passed, and the two came to a stop on the far side. "Seriously, Jack. We need to start heading back. I don't want to be around when it starts getting really late. I hear there are still wandering Mariners that refuse to accept the treaty." Owen was clearly tired of chasing after Jack's whims.

"Maybe so, but if we find them, we might find Octavio. Who else would bother to save him?"

"And then what? You know we can't take them on by ourselves!" Owen looked around nervously.

"We do what ever we have to. We can't let Marie dirty her hands even more."

"That again? I swear, Jack, sometimes you are way too ob-" Before he could finish, Owen's body violently jerked. His eyes went vacant, and he fell forwards, hitting the ground hard. Jack gasped, as he saw the large stain that had been left on the back of Owen's head. He would never move again, as it had been an intentional kill shot from a charger.

Jack quickly pulled out his weapon, and spotted the assailant on a nearby scrap pile. He took aim at the enemy, but another shot knocked the weapon out of Jack's hand. Cursing, he drew his back up weapon, the human revolver. After dodging another shot, he quickly fired 2 rounds. Both shots missed. As the charger re-aligned his aim, Jack fired another round, and dove behind cover, narrowly avoiding the ink stream.

Peaking out from behind his hiding spot, he fired another 2 shots, and ducked again as the charger attempted to lock on. As the shot flew over his head, Jack got off his last shot, and managed to hit the charger in the head. As he fell from his perch, Jack quickly loaded his spare bullets into the revolver's cylinder. After double checking to make sure that the sniper was dead, he turned to his deceased partner.

"Damn it... I'm sorry, Owen." Jack bent down to confirm his partner's death, when he felt an impact to the side of his head. The Inkling's vision went black, and he slumped over. The Octoling that had delivered the blow, pointed her weapon at the unconscious Jack.

"Take this one alive," a voice said from behind.

"Are you sure about that, Jade?" The Octoling responded. "We don't have a lot of room for prisoners, you know."

"They wouldn't be snooping around here with out a reason. We need to find out how much he knows."

"Anything you say, cutie. What about that blue spot over there?"

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