2.1 - A Strange Morning.

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10 A.M. The next day...

Levin was sitting up on his bed, having just woken up. A dull pain in the side of his face had been the cause of this, since he usually didn't get up until 11. Still somewhat sleepy, he walked to the bathroom, and checked the side of his face in the mirror.

"Damn, Frost! You really laid into me," Levin said to himself, as he rubbed his bruise. While the swelling had gone down some, it still hurt. "I guess I can't blame him, but still..." Levin commented out loud. He rubbed the bruise again. The cause of his pain was due to a well placed hook from Frost. He would have gotten a few more if Bass and Citra hadn't of held Frost back, and he considered himself to have gotten off easy. Frost said it was because he made them worry, but Levin suspected otherwise. Still, he would have likely done the same if their roles were reversed.

"Well, whatever." Levin headed towards the living room, and plopped down on the couch. He was about to pop in a video game, when he noticed the piece of paper Shara gave him. 'She said something about an offer. I guess I should give her a call.' He picked up his squid phone, and dialed the number listed. After a few rings, she picked up.

"Hello? Levin?" He could here her say.

"Yeah, how did you know it was me?" He responded.

"You're the only person who knows my number that isn't listed," she said. "But never mind about that. Have you watched the morning news?"

"Nope. But hey, you said something about an off-"

"Levin, stop talking and turn the T.V. on." He reached for the remote, and flipped on his set. Callie and Marie were in the middle of their news report.

"We last saw it near the post box, after splatfest," Marie said.

"I got a good look at it, and I made a picture of the creature!" Callie said excitedly, as she held up a very rough sketch of a bipedal figure.

"Callie..." Marie said with a very exasperated expression. "I thought we weren't going to use that, and I'm hesitant to call it this, drawing."

"Well gramps likes my drawings!" Callie said, as she stuck her tongue out.

"Sorry about that. Here's the real one," said Marie, as she held up a much clearer sketch. At first, Levin thought it was another Inkling, say for the strange clothes. Then he noticed something that made it stand out.

"As you can see, it doesn't have any tentacles, or distinctive eye marks," Marie Continued.

"So we can rule out Big Tentacle, or Sasquid," Callie interrupted. Marie just sighed.

"Yes, and as I was saying, the creature was observed to be taller than any Inklings. It could be a new bread of Octarian, so if you see this life form, call this number ASAP!" After displaying a phone number, the squid sisters signed off, and Levin turned his attention back to his phone.

"What do you suppose that was?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I think we should check in with Cuttlefish," Shara responded.

"Alright, but can we grab something to eat first?"

"Hmm, I guess. Let's meet up at the burger place in Arowana mall," she said, and hung up with out waiting for his response. Levin grabbed his gear, and headed out.


2 Hours earlier...

Otome was doing stretches in the Eden facility's medical bay. Having woken up half an hour ago, she decided to do her morning routine while waiting for Drake. 'I wonder where he is? He said he would stop by in the morning,' she thought to herself. 'I'll be really disappointed if the humans are as lazy as the Inklings are.' Otome finished her exercises, and looked around for something to do. She noticed Drake's data pad on the table. 'He must have forgotten to take that with him.' Otome picked up the pad, and sat down on the bed while powering it up.

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