1.6 - The Battle of OctoValley part 3

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Cuttlefish was staring in silence at the two Inkling agents that had just come out of the Octarian transport kettle. After a few minutes, he finally spoke up. "Thank you for your work, up until now. Agent 3, Agent 4, You're dismissed." Cuttlefish turned away from them, and headed towards his shack.

"What?" Shouted Levin in disbelief. "You're firing us? But what about the zapfish?"

Cuttlefish turned back towards the two Inklings. "Agents 1 and 2 are on their way. They will take it from here."

Levin continued to protest. "But why? Is it because we haven't found the big one yet? I mean sure we might not be fast, but I think you're being a little unfair abou-"

"Silence!" Cuttlefish said in a commanding voice. Levin immediately shut up, and stood at attention. "You two both agreed to follow my commands. I told you to stick together, but you didn't listen. Do either of you realize just how close you were to getting killed?"

For a minute, both Inklings were silent, as they had no counter for this. Levin was trying to think of a way to convince the old Inkling to change his mind, when Shara spoke up. "Sir, please," she started. "I know what we did was stupid. We both do, but we learned our lesson. We can work together now! I swear!"

Levin jumped in next. "We can still find that zapfish. If you won't let us go alone, at least let us help Agents 1 and 2!"

Both Inklings were looking at Cuttlefish with determination. The old Inkling sighed, as his anger subsided. "You still got that look in your eyes. While I can't tell if that's a good or a bad thing, I'll give you another chance. But I want your oath that you will stick together and follow my commands this time."

"We swear it!" Said both the agents.

"Good. It will still be a little while before 1 and 2 get here, so I'll have you check out this transport kettle." Cuttlefish marked a point on their automaps.

Levin started to follow Shara to the kettle, but stopped. He remembered the piece of paper the Octoling gave him, and turned back to Cuttlefish. "By the way, an Octoling gave me this," Levin said, as he handed over the piece of paper.

"What is this?" Cuttlefish took the paper, and examined it. "You say an Octoling gave it to you?"

"Yeah. She seemed different than the ones we fought with, and had a symbol on her armor that was also different."

"Hmm, I wonder what this could all mean. Well, Bucko, you'd better catch up to your partner. I'll try and figure this out while you're gone."

"Roger." Levin turned and ran to catch up to Shara. The two Inklings changed forms, and hopped into the kettle. When they emerged, Levin took a moment to look around. They appeared to be back in Ceph, but the architecture of the buildings was a lot different. There was a large stadium shaped structure in front of them, and an amusement park to the rear.

"Aye, looks like you're on the Octarian side of Ceph." Cuttlefish said over the communicator. "I remember that park. Went there with a pretty Octoling before the war. There should also be an old turf war Colosseum nearby. The sport was a lot more dangerous back in those days."

Cuttlefish started to ramble, when Shara interrupted him. "Which way should we go first?"

"Ah, right. Excuse me. I don't know if the zapfish will be at the stadium or the park, but start with the stadium so you won't have to back track as far. Good luck, you two."

Levin started walking towards the stadium and turned to Shara. "Shall we?" The two Inklings stood and the entrance, and peered inside. The stadium was dark, and appeared to be empty. "I don't think the zapfish is here," said Levin.

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