2.10 - Homecoming part 3

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The occupants of the meeting room had gathered around the far side of the table, and their eyes were locked on to the event that was unfolding in front of them. The Octarian Emperor was engaging the human in a battle of wits. The game of chess had gone back and forth a number of times, and Drake was currently looking for a way out of his current predicament.

"Good to see you didn't fall for Father's trap again," Octarias said, as Drake blocked an offending queen with his last remaining rook. Had he attacked the queen, he would have been exposed to a fatal move from a bishop.

"Octarias, isn't that cheating?" Otome asked, as they continued to watch. Octurus was moving his forces into position for another strike.

"Father hasn't lost a single match at this game. It's time someone ends that streak," he responded. Drake was moving his pieces into defensive positions, while preparing for a sneak attack. Even Vortex and Typhoon had abandoned their posts to watch the game.

"Go, Drake!" Callie said, as he took the enemy bishop with his sneak attack. Unfortunately, Octurus had seen through Drake's plan, and launched a surprise attack of his own, taking Drake's Rook and putting him in checkmate. The game was over, and Octurus had won.

"Well played, human. I haven't had a match like that in quite some time," Octurus said.

"I hate to brag, but before the disaster, I was pretty good player back in my school days," Drake responded. "Though I'm surprised I held out that long, since I haven't played in about three years. That's not counting the time I was asleep, of course." The two opponents shook hands, and Drake made a mental note to never do that again. The muscular grip of Octurus nearly crushed his hand.

"I'm afraid I must bid you all farewell, as I have other matters to attend to. Feel free to enjoy my city before you return to Inkopolis." Octurus returned to his desk, and the rest of the group exited the room.

Outside the meeting hall, Octarias dismissed the other commandos, and turned towards Otome. "Now that the politics are out of the way, we need to talk about your unit. I've found replacements for Privates Kira, Okha, and Lieutenant Kelly. Since you're now a Sargent, I think you can handle being in charge." Octarias handed Otome two kelp stocks to signify that she was now an elite.

"Wait, Lieutenant Kelly is still alive! I ran into her on the way here," Otome said, and tried to return the kelp stocks.

"What? Then why hasn't she reported in?" Octarias gave her a surprised look.

"S-she said she wanted to stay behind and keep an eye on the Mariners. We found her while we were passing through Ceph."

"Fine, I'll update the record. But until she returns, you are in charge of both the squad and your next assignment." Octarias refused the stocks, and Otome tied them to the backside of her armor, rather than pinning them in her tentacles like most elites. Though Marie thought it looked like the rods attached to the heavy armor that army assault squads wear.

Octarias turned towards the nearby waiting room. "Maroon! Rainbow! Weiss! Get in formation!" As soon as Octarias barked the order, three Octolings came out of the waiting room. Ignoring Otome's widening eyes, Octarias turned away, and started walking towards the exit. "Vortex will brief you on your assignment. And Otome, I'm not my father. I won't be patient forever." With that, Octarias left the hallway.

"Tch. I don't know what he sees in you," Typhoon scoffed in irritation. She leaned against the wall, while she waited for Vortex to finish their business. The two body guards were known for two things. Fierce loyalty to Octarias, and their sibling synergy. They even wore custom made black chest plates, complete with twin blue cyclone symbols.

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