1.4 - The Battle of OctoValley part 2

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Shara was standing next to the transport kettle, staring in disbelief. Like Levin, she had ended up in Inkopolis. This time, she was on the outskirts of an old skate park. Wondering how the Octarians had made it so far into Inkling territory, she didn't notice the warning indicator on her automap light up, until a shadow approached her at high speed.

"What the- Inkstrike!" She barely had time to evade, as a missile loaded with ink, collided with the ground she had been standing on only a second ago. Unfortunately, she didn't make it unscathed, and she could feel her left arm go numb. Her automap lit up again, and she saw another missile launch from the far side of the park. Shara quickly made an ink trail, changed forms to dodge the second missile, and took cover behind a wall. She took out her Squee-G and let it go to work, removing the purple ink from her body.

'I wonder how Levin is doing,' Shara thought to herself, regretting blowing up on him like that. 'I just hope he took my advice for once.' The Squee-G had finished it's job, and shut down. She peered around the corner to look for where the Inkstrikes came from. On the far side of the park, she saw an Octarian airship hovering in place. "That must be it," Shara said, planning her route. "I'll have to move quick."

She jumped out of her hiding spot, and the warning indicator immediately lit up again. She dodged the missile, and made an Ink trail to the nearest hiding spot, switching to and from her squid form as she went. It only took her several minutes to get in range of the airship, but for Shara, it seemed like an eternity. She had lost count of how many missile strikes she dodged, as well as the amount of times she weaved in and out of cover. Finally, she was close enough to squid jump to the airship.

Before jumping, she looked around the corner to see what the Octarians were up to. A similar ship was directly under the airborne one, but was heavily damaged and looked like it had crashed. Shara recognized this from a squid sisters news report. The incorrectly labeled UFO was actually an Octarian airship all along. A number of Octotroopers had surrounded the ship, and were planting explosives along the hull.

"They're trying to destroy the evidence. Either that, or making sure we can't reverse engineer their technology." Shara looked at her surroundings again, and saw several discarded weapons, likely from a past turf war. One of the weapons caught her eye. "Inkzooka," Shara said, picking the weapon up. It only had enough charge for a single shot, and the nozzle wasn't compatible with her ink tank. It was likely a pre special morph version of the weapon. She shouldered the weapon, turned back to the airship, and squid jumped aboard. When she landed, she was face to face with an Octostriker, and 3 Octobombers supporting it.

"Well, lookie here," said the Octostriker, grinning. "Inkscum thinks it can just waltz in like it owns the place." The four Octarians, who were equipped with Octocopter gear, went airborne. Shara quickly splatted the nearest bomber, and watched it roll off the side of the airship. "Don't just sit there, get it!" The Octostriker yelled, as he retreated to the far side. The two remaining bombers moved in, and threw a pair of splat bombs to where she was standing. Shara dodged, and fired her splattershot pro at the second Octobomber, taking it down. Just then, the warning indicator on her automap lit up.

"Is he crazy?" Shara, who had very little room to maneuver, barely managed to avoid the inkstrike. She turned her weapon on the Octostriker, only to see it grinning at her again. The last Octobomber had moved in behind her.

"You may be able to dodge a few splat bombs," it said. "But let's see how you do against one of these." Shara whipped around and fired a burst at the Octobomber. While she was successful in splatting it, the bomber had managed to throw a seeker at her, which exploded on her lower torso. Her legs went numb and she collapsed on her ink tank. The Octostriker moved in for the kill.

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