The First Day

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The past few weeks have went by without incident. I still found myself humiliated every time that I thought about Josh. I can believe that he was in my room. I can't believe that he stole my underwear! And I can't believe that he practically saw me naked!! I was wearing my bra and underwear, but still. 

It's the first day of school and I'm just hoping and praying that I won't have to face him. Or any of the boys that happened to be in his room that night. I wasn't sure what to expect. I had never been in a school this small before. 

I hop into the shower before Derek can get a chance. If he got into the bathroom before me there was no chance of me ever getting a shower. He took longer to get ready than any guy that I had ever met in my life, or girl for that matter. 

After my shower I go back to my room and put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark purple t-shirt that says "Where words fail music speaks" in bold white letters. I brush through my hair and throw it up into a loose ponytail before slipping on my black hightop converse. 

"Bye guys, I love you!" I hear dad yell as he rushed out the door. I grab a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch out of the cabinet and pour it into a bowl. 

I go to grab the milk out of the fridge, but there's none there. 

"Fudge!" I yell. I pick up the bowl and eat the cereal anyway as Derek comes into the kitchen.

"Oh, yeah, there's no milk." he says, grabbing a handful of cereal out of my bowl. 

"Really. I hadn't noticed." I reply sarcastically. I throw the empty bowl into the sink and grab my bag off of the back of the kitchen chair. "Let's go." 

"Why do we have to leave so early?" Derek asks me as we get into the car. 

"Because we're not going to be late on our first day." I say. I got into the driver's side of the car.

"Okay, well do you have to drive me around like a child?" 

"My car.  I drive." I say. 

I buckle my seatbelt and start the car. The radio starts blaring my Three Days Grace CD. One of them anyway. 

"Damn girl. Is the radio loud enough for you?" Derek says, turning the radio down. 

I laugh as I turn the radio back up and start to sing along. 

Derek is silent until we pull into the school parking lot. He turns the radio back down. 

"You ready for this?" he asks. 

"As ready as I'll ever be." I say getting out of the car and walking toward the office. 

Derek follows close behind. We reach the office and Mr. Bradley meets us at the door.

"Follow me to my office, please." he says leading the way. 

We reach the office and there are two girls. One is tall with pale skin, red hair, and freckles. Her hair is thick and curly and to be honest I'm jealous. She is wearing a light purple skirt and a black, tight, v-neck t-shirt with a pair of black heels. I would break my neck in shoes like that. 

The other girl is wearing jeans and a supernatural t-shirt with the same black, hightop converse I am wearing. She has glasses on over her bright blue eyes. Paired with black hair and fair skin.

"Derek, Emily. This is Jasmine," he says pointing to the dark haired girl, "And this is Allie." he says pointing to the other girl. 

"Hi." I say with a small wave. 

"Emily, since Jasmine has most of the same classes as you, she'll be showing you around our school. And Derek, Allie has most of the same classes as you so she'll be showing you around. Now you guys better get going before you're late for class." Mr. Bradley says. 

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