The G Word

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Josh's P.O.V.

I wake up around seven in the morning. Em is still asleep. I kiss her softly on the forehead, making sure not to wake her before making my way to the kitchen. I get the eggs and bacon out of the fridge when someone knocks on the door.

"Hello?" I say, opening the door.

"Hi." its Amber. She's standing in the doorway.

"What do you want?" I ask her. Why the hell is she even here after what she did to me and Emily?

"I just wanted to drop this off." she says, handing me an envelope.

"How the hell did you even find us out here?"

"Us?" she said, "I thought you were alone?"

She pushes her way into the door and grabs my hand. I rip it out of her grasp.

"What do you want?" I ask again, "Emily is still asleep in the other room"

I see a look of anger flash across her face before she speaks again. "Oh, nothing. I just wanted to drop that off. Make sure Emily sees it why don't you." she says, walking back toward the door. "And if you ever get tired of your little charity case, you know where to find me." she winks.

"She's not a charity case, she's my girlfriend."

Shit. Did I just say that. I mean she is, isn't she? I know I haven't officially asked her, but she is carrying my child.

Without another word Amber walks out the door and back to her car.

"Who was that?" Em asks in a sexy, sleepy voice.

"No one honey." I say as I head back to the kitchen. I turn the stove on and lay the bacon in a frying pan.

"Okay?" she says with a questioning look. I quickly slide the envelope into my pocket before she sees it.

"Why don't you go relax. I'll finish breakfast and bring it to you. Then we'll drive up to the beach.

"There's a beach up here?" she ask, "I was pretty sure there was nothing for hours." she laughs.

I laugh with her as I take the bacon and place it on a plate on the counter. I feel the envelope rubbing against my leg and wonder for a second what was in it. I mix the eggs together and pour them into the frying pan.

After I finish cooking the food I pile it onto two plates and bring Emily hers in the living room.

"What time is it?" she asks as I hand her a plate.

"A little after noon."

"You let me sleep all day!?" she yells, smacking me on the arm.

"Ow!" I yell and cradle my shoulder, pretending to be hurt.

"Man up." she replies.

"You hurt me!" I accuse her. "You owe me for that!"

"I couldn't have hurt you that bad." she replies.

"You owe me." I repeat.

She rolls her eyes, but plays along. "What do I owe you."

"I want a kiss." I say simply.

I lean toward her and kiss her lightly on the nose and then on the lips, pulling her closer. I feel her lips curving into a smile against mine as she pulls away.

"Can I eat now?" she says in mock annoyance.

Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. I nod and start to eat my food too.


Emily's P.O.V.

"How much further?" I whine. We've been in the car for at least twenty minutes.

"Not long, love." he says and I blush. "Here we are."

We pull into a small parking lot with maybe three or four other cars. Ahead I can see sand. We made it to the beach.

"I thought you actually were planning to kill me this time." I say sarcastically.

He rolls his eyes and pulls the cooler out of the back seat. He lugs it to the sand while I find a spot underneath a small shade tree and lay out the blanket that we brought. He sits the cooler down on a corner of the blanket and lays down next to me. My obviously pregnant stomach sticking out.

"Thank you." I say.

"Stop." he says. "You keep thanking me for every little thing. I'm doing this because I want to help you get away. Stop thanking me and just enjoy it."

"Okay." I say, closing my eyes and feeling the slight breeze blow through my hair.

He lays down next to me and takes my hand in his. We lay there in silence for what feels like forever, but it's a comfortable silence.

"You hungry?" he finally asks.

"What do you think?" I ask, pointing to my stomach. "I'm eating for two."

"Yeah, you've been eating for two all day." he laughs.

I smile and take the sandwich that he made for me. After I finish eating I get up, dragging him with me and walk toward the water. I stand in the shallow end. The water barley going past my ankles and walk along the beach.

"So who was at the house this morning?" I ask.

"Oh, umm."

I could tell he was hoping that I wouldn't ask.

"It was, umm, Amber."

A flash of anger rolls through me remembering what had happened last time I spoke to her.

"What did she want?" I ask, keeping the anger out of my voice.

"She dropped of an envelope. I haven't opened it." he says, "She told me that when I was done with my charity case then I would know where to find her. I might of told her you're my girlfriend. Is that okay?"

I laugh at how nervous he sounds. "Yes, that's fine." I say, kissing him on the cheek.


So I know this chapter isn't the best, but I hope you enjoyed it!!! If you guys have managed to make it this far than thank you and I love you!! XOXOXO

Don't be silent please. Let me know what you think!!! Thank you loves!! XOXO

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