More Silence

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Emily's P.O.V. 

I wake up to sunlight streaming in through the bedroom window. I look down to see only a thin white sheet covering my body, my clothes still on the floor, along with Josh's jeans and t-shirt. I smell food coming from the kitchen and slide on my underwear and his t-shirt. It's plain black and goes down to my mid-thigh. 

"Good Morning." Josh says without turning around. 

He grabs a carton of eggs and a package of bacon out of the fridge. 

"Mornin'." I reply, yawning. Have I mentioned that I'm not a morning person. 

I take a seat on the bar stool behind the island in the middle of the huge kitchen. The kitchen opened up into a beautiful living room. The floors are made of wood throughout the house, or at least the rooms that I have been in. The walls in the kitchen are an off white color, like the walls in the bedroom. 

The living room walls look like the inside of a log cabin, with a beautiful white marble fireplace. The living room has a huge television mounted Wn the wall and a big, brown, leather sectional. But that isn't what caught my attention. 

On both sides of the fireplace is two huge bookshelfs that start a few inches away from the fireplace and reach the other side of the wall. The stretch up to the ceiling with a small silver ladder to reach the top. 

I stand up and slowly make my way to what looks like paradise to me. I run my hands along the spine of the books. A few of the titles I recognized like To Kill a Mockingbird, Where the Red Fern Grows, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. 

I walk back to the kitchen where Josh has set two plates of food and two glasses of orange juice on the counter where I had previously been sitting. 

"If you have this place then why do you stay with your uncle all the time?" I ask him, taking my seat across from him. 

"My uncle needs me. He's gone alot and he needs someone to look after the house. And when he is home all he does is drink and sleep." he answers, a hint of sadness in his voice. "His wife died of cancer three years ago and since then he's been a drunk. Somehow he's managed to hold onto his job by a thread, but he's in no way stable."

I couldn't think of anything to say so I took a bite of the bacon in front of me to avoid answering. 

We finished the meal in silence and then I volunteered to clean up while he took a shower. 

"No, let me." he said, reaching for the dishes in my hands, "You're the guest."

"No, you cooked, let me clean." I argue back. 

This has been a ten minute argument. He looks at me again, seeing that I'm not going to give in this time. 

"Fine." he says, throwing his hands up in surrender. "Feel free to join me when you're done." 

He winks at me and walks through the door into the bedroom. I rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher. 

I make my way into the bedroom to get my clothes, hearing the shower running and remembering his offer. I got dressed quickly and slipped out of the bedroom, deciding that he should shower alone today. 


Josh's P.O.V. 

What the hell have I done, I think to myself as I let the hot water run over my body. I fucked her and now I didn't know what to do. She understood that I couldn't be with her. That much I knew. I could tell by the way she looks at me, with a hint of sadness, like she knows that we could never be something. 

As much as I want her, I can't let myself go any further. Although, I think that I'm already in too deep. 

She is all that I can think about anymore. Her laugh makes me smile, no matter what kind of mood I'm in. I get this weird feeling when she says my name, and when she touches me, it's like electricity running through my body. 

Could I be in love? I ask myself, but instantly push that thought to the back of my mind. No. I can't be in love. 

I dismiss the thoughts of her as I step out of the shower and slide back into the boxers. I have no other clothes in the cottage so I have to wear the same clothes as last night, including the shirt that she had put on when she woke up this morning. 

I walk out to the bedroom and pick my clothes up off the floor. The shirt smells like her. Vanilla. 

"We should probably get going, Rose." I say walking into the livingroom. 

"Yeah, probably." she says, "Do you, umm, remember where we kicked our shoes off at last night." 

The whole night had been a blur. Kissing her. Making love to her. No, fucking. Fucking her. It was just sex. I remind myself, although knowing that it was much, much more. 

After twenty minutes of searching we finally found our shoes underneath the bed. We get in the car and I start on the road towards home. As we near the house she starts to look nervous. 

"What's wrong?" I ask her. Looking at her for a fraction of a second before focusing my eyes back on the road. 

"Well, um," I can see the blush rising to her cheeks. She's so cute when she's blushing. "I-I umm. What are we now?" 

I could see the pain in her eyes as the blush faded away slowly the longer I was silent. I thought she had understood when I said that we couldn't be together. 

"I understand." she said sadly, looking back out of the car window. We were stopped in my driveway now. "Let's just keep last night between us." she said bitterly, he tone changing for sadness to anger. 

She got out of the car and slammed the door. Walking toward her house as quickly as she could. 


Emily's P.O.V. 

I walk to the house quickly, refusing to let him see me cry. I don't want him to see how much I was hurting over him. 

I know that the last night isn't going to change anything, but I thought that maybe we could at least be friends now. I'm not sure what I was expecting out of someone like him. All he wants is sex and I know that. I don't know why I had such high hopes for him. 

I locked myself in my bedroom, packing my things. Preparing myself to live in that hell for the rest of the school year.  


Well I hope you guys like it! I love you!! Thank you so much for reading! It would make my day if you would vote, comment, or even message me and tell me what you think!!! 

Thank you all so much for reading! XOXO!!

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