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I stood up and stretched out. That is the last time I sleep on this hardwood floor, no matter how many blankets. 

Since I'm the only one awake I decide to change clothes. I find my suitcase and start to look through it for something to wear. I finally decide on a pair on dark, ripped skinny jeans and my Jack Skellington t-shirt 

The Nightmare Before Christmas is by far my favorite Halloween and Christmas movie. 

There's still no one awake so I make my way to the kitchen. I check my phone only to reveal zero notifications. 

That's the downside to not having any friends. No one to talk to. Since we never stayed in one place I never tried to make friends. Sure there were people that I hung out with and talked to, but no one I ever really let myself get close to. No one that I told my secrets or problems to. No I kept those to myself. There was no one that I stayed in touch with. I had only had one real boyfriend. That was the biggest mistake I had ever made. 

"I'm hungry, let's go get food." Derek said walking into the kitchen and hitting me in the back of the head. 

"Ouch! Is that really how you think you're gonna get a me to take you somewhere?" I ask, hitting him back.

Despite Derek being the oldest and getting his license first I was the only one who had a car. I got a job when I was fifteen and started saving up. Which wasn't hard since I didn't go out with friends or anything in the first place. When I got my license I had enough money for a used car. Derek was quite the opposite. He got a job around the same time as I did, thanks to me, but he blew all of his money as soon as he got paid. 

This of course was when mom was still alive a we could stay in one place for more than a few months. She died of cancer last year. I was sixteen and by her side as often as possible. Derek even took a break from football to spend time with her. 

We knew there wasn't much time left, no matter what she said. She acted like she was fine, but she was in constant pain. We spent every possible moment with her before, well before she died. 


We're going to get food. Be back soon. 

                                                      Em and Derek


There's a little cafe around the corner from where we live. It's a cute place. 

"I should've brought my camera." I say to Derek as I look at the outside of the cafe. 

It was cute. The walls are made of stone with a huge window and a glass door. There is an old coke sign outside next to the door. 

"You and that freaking camera." Derek says as he walks inside the cafe and takes a seat in a both in the corner. 

Ever since I was thirteen I took pictures of everything. Mom and dad had gotten me a camera for my birthday that year and I almost never went anywhere without it. I had dozens of picture albums filled with photos that I had taken. I took pictures of everything, people, animals, nature, buildings. Whenever I see something that would make a good picture I take a picture. I've probably stood on a few to many restaurant chairs and laid down on to many sidewalks to get the perfect picture. 

I take my seat across from Derek and continue to look around the cafe. Our waiter came to the table and made me wish all the more that I had my camera with me. He is gorgeous. He is tall and tan. You can see the muscles through the outline of his shirt and he has a tattoo on his right forearm of a cross with a date written across it. 9-13-03. He has light brown, short hair and bright green eyes. He's wearing  a black, v neck t-shirt and ripped blue jeans. I wouldn't mind getting to know him better. 

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