Doctors Visit

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Emily's P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning. I go to the bathroom and wash my tear stained face. I get dressed and call Anna. I'm going to need support at the doctor's office today and it doesn't look to me like Josh was going to be there.

"Hey Em!" Anna chirps happily after the first ring. Damn her and her morning personness.

Yes I know that isn't a word, but I don't know what else to call it.

"Hey." I say, putting the phone on speaker and grabbing a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie out of my dresser.

"Are you ready for this?" she asks me.

"Not really."

"Ready for what?" Derek says, opening the bathroom door.

"Umm, hey Derek." I glace away nervously.

"Where are you going so early?" he questions further.

Sometimes I hate that he can read me so well.

"I'll be there in ten." she says through the cell phone, "I'll let you two talk."

"Thanks Ann." I say before she hangs up the phone and I turn my attention to my brother.

"Emily, what's going on?" he asks. The concern is evident in his voice and his eyes, but I don't know if I can tell him.

"Nothing." I finally say, the trembling in my voice giving away my lies.

"Don't lie to me Em. You don't think I haven't heard you crying yourself to sleep every night for the past week?"

I had obviously been hurting him without even knowing it.

"We don't talk anymore Em. Two days ago you couldn't stand Josh and last night you went chasing him down. Tell me what's going on."

"Did word really get out that fast?" I ask, "That bitch moves fast."

"What's going on?" he ask one last time. It's clear that he's not gonna give up.

I can't win this one.

"I-I, umm," I try my hardest to get the words out, "Me and Josh um. I'm pregnant." I manage to choke out before the tears escape my eyes and make their path down my cheeks.

"What?!" Derek growls.

I don't speak, I just look at him and wait.

"Is that why you needed to talk to him?" he asks me again. I nod. "And after you told him he left?"

I nod again.

"Then he runs away for two weeks to sleep with another girl while my sister is sitting at home pregnant with his baby?" he clarifies.

I nod again. "I'm going to the doctor today. I-" I'm cut off by Anna knocking on the door.

"You ready?" she asks me, noticing Derek's pissed off expression.

I nod and turn back to Derek. "I told him that I had an appointment today and that if he was going to be in on this to be there."

"If he doesn't show, I'm personally beating his ass." Derek states, "And hell, maybe even if he does show I'll beat his ass for knocking you up in the first place. Who in the hell sleeps with their 'best friends' sister?!"

"I have to go. You can come if you want." I offer. Hoping to distract him.

I just shakes his head and sits on my bed. He puts his head in his hands.

"No. I'm gonna wait for this low life," he says, putting emphasis on the last two words. "To get home. Maybe I can knock some sense into him."

I offer a small smile before following Anna out of the door and to her car.


"Miss Winstead." says the small, dark haired nurse from behind the glass. "The doctor will see you now."

I stand up with Anna following close behind me and he boyfriend, Mick, next to her.

"Is this the father?" the nurse asks pointing at Mick.

Before I can reply I hear a voice behind me, "No I am." Josh says, slightly out of breath.

He walks up to me and hugs me close before kissing me quickly, but passionately.

"Sorry I'm late baby." He adds.

"Do you want us the wait out here." Anne asks me.

I nod quickly and her and Mick take their seats as me and Josh follow the doctor into a room.

There was nothing in the room besides a monitor, a bed, and a sink.

"So what are we here for today?" the doctor asks.

"Umm, well, I-I don't really know." I stutter.

Josh interrupts me. "Just a check up. She's pregnant." he says keeping it short and sweet.

"Okay, well what we're going to do today is do and ultrasound, just to be sure and then run a few tests just to make sure everything is healthy." The doctor says.

I nod.

"And if you don't mind I'm going to have you," he says handing a clipboard and a pen, "fill out some paperwork."


The doctor finishes drawing blood and he takes me back to the room where Josh is waiting for me.

"Now for the ultrasound." he says, grabbing a few things off of the table. "Lay down here."

I lay down on the table and Josh stands up and walks over to me.

I can't believe how nervous I am.

As if he can read my thoughts, Josh grabs and squeezes my hand.

The doctor lifts up my shirt and rubs a cold jelly across my stomach.

"Look over at the screen." Josh says.

I must have zoned out because I didn't notice what the doctor was up to, or what was going on on the monitor beside me.

"That right there." the doctor said, pointing to a black and white picture of a tiny, vague outline of a human baby. "That's your baby."

I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, and for the first time in months, it isn't out of pain. I laugh as I wipe them away and look up and Josh, who is actually smiling. He's smiling.

"Looking at this I would say you're about ten weeks."


Thank you all so much for reading!!!! You guys are amazing!!

A special shoutout to @SimranChauhan for the comment!!! You made my day love!! Thank you for taking the time to put a smile on my face!!

Please don't be silent. Tell me what you think!!

XOXO!! <3

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