Football Stars and Cheerleaders Too

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The downside to having to chauffeur around your football star older brother, well there's alot, but one of them is having to stay after school for his football practice. 

Which wouldn't be so bad if it only consisted of guys tackling each other and throwing a ball around. (That right there is the extent of my football knowledge.) But unfortunately it also involves girls caked in make up yelling and holding each other up in the air. 

I was a cheerleader at one point, but then we moved around so much that I gave up on that as well. I thought about joining again this year, but after meeting Amber I wasn't so sure. 

"Rosey. What are you doing here?" I hear from the other side of the bleachers. 

Of course he would be on the football team. 

"Sitting." I say. 

"I see that, what I mean is why are you here?" 

"Can't I watch a bunch of hot guys run around in tight pants." I say. "I mean you're here, too though."

"Oh, admit it honey. I'm hot." he says flexing his muscles as if to prove a point. 

Trust me, he is hotter than hell, but I would never admit that to him. 

"Well," I say taking the opportunity to look  him over. "I've definitely seen better." 

"Jay!" the coach yells, "Get over here!" 

"I gotta go Rosey." Josh says with a wink, "We'll finish this later." 

I start to blush again and he just chuckles a little before jogging toward the field where the other guys were waiting. 


"I'll be out in a few sis." Derek says jogging toward the locker room. 

I gather the books that I had brought with me and start heading toward the car. 

"Hey new girl." I hear from behind me. I turn around to see a blonde girl walking toward me. Watching her from the bleachers was Amber and another blonde girl. 

The one walking toward me was short and pale, her hair was curly and she was wearing a t-shirt with the school name on the front in orange glitter (the school colors are orange and black). 

"Umm, hi." I say stopping and turning around. 

"So a little birdy told me that you used to cheer?" she says with one eyebrow raised. 

She looks back at Amber who nods at her. This was obviously the girl that did Amber's dirty work.

"Derek." I mutter under my breath. "Yeah, it's been a while, though." 

"Well, you're kinda cute and you're really small and we need a new flyer soooo." 

"Umm, I don't think that I'm really up for it." I say. 

"You're right." she says, flipping her hair behind her shoulder. "Amber said that you wouldn't be able to do it." 

I could feel my face starting to heat up, but this time it was out of anger, not embarrassment.

I knew she was just saying it to get under my skin and get me to do what she wanted me to do, but I didn't care. One sure fire way to get me to do something is to say I can't.

"When do you want me to start?" I ask. 

"Be here tomorrow for regular practice." she says, stalking back to her queen bee. 

I make my way back to the car still fuming. I know that Derek was just trying to help, but I can help myself. I don't need him making friends for me. 

"Hey Rosey, why so angry?" asks Josh walking to the car. 

"I'm a cheerleader now." I say. 

"Umm, Okay?" he says with uncertainty before walking past me to his car. 

I get into the car and turn the radio on, seriously debating leaving Derek here and going home, but I'm not that mad at him. I know he had good intentions. 

I turn the radio as loud as it will go, blasting Sleeping With Sirens. Derek gets into the car and notices the expression on my face. He says nothing. We ride home with the radio still blaring and no one speaking. 

We get into the house and I go to my room without a word. 

"Knock, knock." I hear from the other side of the door. "Em, can I come in?" 

"What do you want Derek?" 

"Em, I'm sorry. It's just, you used to love cheering and you haven't done it in so long." 

"Look I know you mean well, but if I wanna do something then I'll do it myself." I say. 

He gets a huge grin on his face, "So did you join?!" he asks excitedly. 

"Yes." I say laughing as he tackles me with a hug. 


I know this chapter is short, but I hope y'all like it!! I love yous!!!!!!!! XD


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