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Emily's P.O.V. 

"What do you need?"Josh asks in a generally disinterested tone. 

"Umm, can we talk?"

He looks at me with concern, but doesn't move from his position by the door. I can feel the tears pooling in the corners of my eyes. I fight hard to keep them back. 

"Josh, I-" I'm interrupted by the tears making their way down my cheeks. I don't bother to wipe them away. "I'm pregnant."  I say in little more than a whisper. 

He moves to my side. "Hey, it's okay." he says, sitting on the bed next to me. "Why are you telling me though?" 

"Do I have to spell it out for you?" I ask. "You're the only guy I've slept with in two fucking years." 

I watch him as my words sink in. I start to cry harder. "Are you sure there's no one else?" Josh asks.

"I'm sure." I say as the tears spill down my face faster than before. He pulls me closer to him. He holds me and strokes my hair as I cry myself to sleep against his chest. 


I wake up the next morning to an empty bed. Despite the past few months I really hoped that he would be there. If not for me than for the baby that was inevitably on the way. 

But he is nowhere to be seen. I go into the bathroom and pull my hair into a ponytail before making my way downstairs. Just two more days and then Christmas break. I'll have sometime then to pull myself together and figure this thing out. 

I walk to the kitchen and pour a bowl of cereal. Still holding out a shred of hope that just maybe he'll be here, I linger as long as I can before I have to get dressed. Derek walks downstairs and waves as he takes a swig from the milk jug before going back upstairs. 

"Do, you, uh. Do you know where Josh is?" I manage to choke out before he makes it up the stairs. 

"I'm not sure. He said something about needed a drink and then he left."

I pull on a pair of jeans and a Panic! at the Disco t-shirt, with my converse before driving myself to school. 


It's been two weeks and still not a word from him. It isn't unusual for him to not stay at home. He never really liked staying here, but he's usually at school. He hasn't even bothered to show up for football practice. 

I've asked everyone that I can think of if they happen to know where he's at. It's almost like he's disappeared off of the face of the earth, but I think I know where he might be. 

I grab my keys and rush out of the door, yelling a quick goodbye before anyone can ask question. 

He hasn't even called and his mother is worried sick about him. 

I drive to the little cottage that he took me to. I was right. His car is in the driveway, but so is someone else's. 

I pull off on the side of the road and try his phone one more time. I don't recognize the car. 

I get out and bang on the door. 

"What the hell-" Josh opens the door with nothing but a towel hanging from his hips. "What are you doing here?" 

"What am I doing here?!" I scream at him. All my anger from two weeks coming back. And escalating when I hear her voice coming from the living room. 

I push past him into the house and see Amber laying on the couch, covered in nothing more than a sheet. The same white sheet that I woke up covered in the night he brought me here. 

"What the hell is she doing here?!" I continue, "What the hell are you doing here?! Your mother is worried sick and I would understand if you want nothing to do with YOUR child!" I yell putting emphasis on 'your'. "But I need to know! I need to know when you're just gonna leave me hanging. I mean it's obvious you don't care, but I thought you would care about your child." 

I could feel the tears running down my face, but I keep yelling anyway. 

"I know you couldn't care less about me, but are you fucking serious?! I tell you that you got me pregnant and your solution is to go have sex with some whore?!" 

I'm crying to hard to speak at the moment so I stop yelling. 

I speak calmly this time. "It's fine."  I say. "You'll have me out of your house and out of your life by tomorrow. I'll just tell your mom that I can't do this anymore. I'll tell her that I need to be alone for awhile and I'll move my things back into my house." 

I turn to walk out of the door and he reaches for my arm. I pull out of his grasp before turning around. 

"My first doctor's appointment is tomorrow at seven if you want to be something more than this," I say, gesturing to the scene around me, "Than show up. If not I can do this on my own." 

I walk out of the door without another word. I sit in my car with the door open. Amber soon comes storming out the door with her shoes in her hands. 

"Pregnant, huh?"she sneers at me. Obviously furious that I interrupted them. "You know everyone's gonna know by tomorrow. If I were you I wouldn't bother to show your face again."

"Amber," I say, looking up at her, "Get a life."


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