Home With the Jerk

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Emily's P.O.V. 

I stayed in the house for the last night before I had to go live in that hell hole with that jackass.

I threw my stuff in the trunk of the car. Derek had stayed at Josh's last night so he had already took his things over there. I am half tempted to tell Derek what had happened between the two of us, but I know that he'll overreact so I decide to keep it to myself. 

I reach the school and sit in the parking lot until I absolutely have to get out. I make it to class right before the bell rings. Jasmine waves to me, but I ignore her. Not in the mood to be around people today I ignore as many people as possible. 

At lunch I don't go to the cafeteria, but instead I go to the football field and take a seat at the top of a row of bleachers. I instantly regret the decision when I see Anna walking up the bleachers toward me. 

"Hey." she says, taking a seat beside me. 

I don't answer, but instead give her the most convincing smile I can. Which must not have been very convincing.

"What's wrong?" she asks. 

"Nothing, just haven't been able to sleep lately." I reply. Which is half truth. I'm not ready to tell her the problems I've been having with Josh, not that she won't catch on to the tension soon enough. It's just not a subject that I'm in the mood to bring up at the moment. 

He's been ignoring me all day. Not that I've made any effort to talk to him. I know that he will do everything in his power to avoid me. That's proven when I get to eighth hour and he's not there. He's skipping. 

The hour flies by as I'm anticipating going to practice. With the first game of the season next week I know he'll be there. 

I get to the sidelines where the rest of the girls are waiting. The one's that are out of the locker room anyway. I take my place next to Anna scanning the field for Josh. Satisfied when I see his number, I look away and focus on the cheer that Amber had been going over for the last two weeks. 

"One more time girls!" she yells, "We have to get this right!" 

We go through it, not one, not even two, but three more times. When Amber finally decides to call it quits for the day I rush back to the locker room and dress as quickly as possible. I rush to the car, trying to avoid any questions that Anna was going to ask me. I know that I can't avoid her forever, and when I do finally stop avoiding her I'm going to be interrogated for hours, but right now it's something that I really don't want to deal with. 

Derek taps on the window. "Hey sis, I'm gonna ride with Josh." he says, before jogging to catch up with him next to his car. 

Josh looks toward me and we lock eyes for a fraction of a second before I pull away. I refuse to let him see how much he's hurt me. He won't get that satisfaction from me. 

I roll my eyes and take off toward Josh's house, aka my own personal hell for the next few months.  


I finish unpacking my things into the guest room that Mrs and Mr. Blake have given me for the extent of my stay. It's a small room, but cute. The bed is up against the wall in the middle of the room. The sheets are white, with small blue flowers dotting them, with a blue quilt. On the right side of the bed is a small table with a lamp and an alarm clock. On the left side of the bed, hung up on the wall, is a small bookshelf. Across the room was a huge walk in closet. It's a nice little room, despite the fact that he lives in the same house. 

The only downside to the room is having to share a bathroom with  Josh. His bedroom, which he shares with Derek is on the other side of the bathroom. There is a door on his side and on mine. 

Sadie's room is right across the hall from mine and Mr. and Mrs. Blake sleep downstairs. 

I hear Sadie's little footsteps coming up the stairs as I sit the last thing that I had brought with me, a picture of me, Derek and Dad, on the bedside table. 

"Supper's ready!" Sadie chirps. She the only one totally unaware of the tension between me and her older brother. 

I turn around and smile at her. "Alright, why don't you lead the way." I say, following her down the stairs into the dining room. It's just my luck that the only open seat is right next to Josh. I sit down in between him and Mrs. Blake. 

We had not spoken yet alone been anywhere near each other since I had arrived. 

I was to angry to carry a civil conversation with him. He looks at me like he wants to say something, but looks away again, so, I've spent the last few hours in the guestroom, trying to make unpacking go as slowly as possible. 

"So, Emily," Mrs. Blake says, sensing the tension between us, "What day can you do tutoring this week?"

I had completely forgot that I was supposed to be tutoring Josh. Although, in my defense it's kind of hard to tutor someone when they want nothing to do with you.


Well this is another filler chapter and I'm sorry, but I swear it does get better. I just have to find a way to lead up to what I'm trying to get to here! 

Please don't be a silent reader

Although I appreciate that you take the time to read at all it would mean the world to me if I could hear your opinion so far!!!!!

XOXOX Thank you loves!!

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