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Emily's P.O.V. 

I wake up to light shinning in through the window. I have a pounding headache. I also don't know where the hell I am. 

I'm laying in a huge queen sized bed, with a blue comforter. The wall are plain white with a few band posters. There's a dresser up against the wall next to the door and a table next to me. I try to stand, but instantly regret it. The room starts to spin and I fall to the floor. 

I hear footsteps and the door swings open. 

"Rose, are you okay?" Josh yells, rushing to my side. 

It might have been just the hangover, but I think I actually saw, just a little bit of concern in his eyes. 

"Rosey?" he asks again. 

"My head." I whimper. 

He pulls me up and sits me back down on the bed. 

"Here." he says handing me a pill. I remember fuzzily last nights events and I feel my cheeks heat up immediately at the memory. 

"Are you sure its asprin this time?" I ask. Hiding my face behind my hair.

"Yes Rosey." he says, pushing the medicine toward me, along with a glass of water. 

I take the medicine and lay back down. 

"Take a nap Rosey." he says, "We'll go get something to eat when you wake up." 

I nod already feeling drowsey and pull the covers up to my chin. 


I don't even remember falling asleep, but when I wake up the room is once again empty. My clothes are sitting on the table next to me, but I can't bring myself to put them back on. 

I hear a small knock on the door. 

"Rosey, are you awake?" Josh says, walking into the room. 

"Mmm, Yeah." I say, stretching my arms above my head. 

"You hungry?" 

I hadn't even realized how hungry I was until he asked. I nod my head and sit up slowly, remembering how I felt last time I tried to get up so quickly.

"Yeah." I say softly.

"Can you stand?" he ask, readying himself to help me up. 

"Yeah. I think so." I say. I grab the side of the table and pull myself up slowly. Once I'm standing I let go of the table. 

Josh stands up, readying to catch me, but I take a few steps toward the doorw without falling and he moves to open the door for me. 

I stumble a little bit, but catch myself on my dresser. I look down as I steady myself and that's when I realize for the first time that I'm not wearing anything. 

I feel my cheeks turn bright red as I look around the room for my clothes. My bra and underwear are laying on the floor and the rest of my clothes are folded neatly on the table next to the bed. 

"Why am I naked?!" I scream. "Did we fuck?!"

"Rosey, calm down baby, we didn't do anything." he said softly. I look up at him and realize that he's not looking at my body at all. He's looking in my eyes. He is genuinely concerned about me. 

I look up at him confused. Did he just call me baby? Could he actually care?

No. No that wouldn't happen. Ever. I'm nothing. Just a nobody. I'm really a fairly boring person. I'm not his type. He likes bad girls and I'm just a goodie two shoes that he feels like he has to babysit because of my brother. 

"Then why am I not wearing clothes?" I ask again, a little bit calmer than before. 

"Because. Daren slipped something in your drink and I caught him carrying you up the stairs. I brought you back to my Uncle's just down the road from the party and I put you to bed, but before I left the room you threw up all over yourself. You were still only half concious. I undressed you and put your clothes in the wash." he said. "You threw your bra and underwear off yourself." 

He laughs at that and I feel myself turning a deeper red than I already was. 

"So Daren drugged me?" I ask again, just to make sure that that was what he had said. 

Daren had seemed so nice when I was talking to him. I never thought that he would do something like that.

"What do you want to eat?" he asks, changing the subject. "We can go to that diner down the road from your house or-" 

I cut him off, "Can we just stay here? I don't feel much like going anywhere."

"Sure." he's says with a shrug, "Now I don't have to change." 

It's not until then that I realize what he's wearing. He's in a pair of dark grey sweatpants that are pulled up just below his v-line. He isn't wearing a shirt which show off his perfectly toned abs. I can she how strong he really was without a shirt on. 

I would fuck that. 

Shut up! I hiss to the voice in the back of my head. Fucking is better than loving though. Loving leads to bad things. To pain. In fact I'm not sure that love really exists. 

I push those thoughts to the back of my head as I gesture toward the door. 

"Can, you, uh. I need to get dressed." I manage to get out. 

"You don't really want to wear that do you?" He asks, pointing to the clothes on the bedside table. 

I shake my head and he starts to walk out the door. 

"I'll get you something else." he shouts from the hallway. 

I slide my bra and underwear on before he comes back with a pair of boxers and a light grey hoodie with his last name on the back. 

He turns around while I quickly get dressed. 

Josh's P.O.V. 

"You can turn back around." Emily says. I turn around and can't help but stare at her. 

She looks perfect. Even better than she did when she was all dressed up. She is wearing my bright red boxers, although you can hardly tell because my hoodie is so big on her. It goes down to her mid thigh. 

He beautiful dark hair is a complete mess, but it couldn't be more perfect. 

What are you doing, man? 

I say to myself. I'm standing here staring at a girl that happened to be one of my bestfriends little sisters and I can't help but want to be next to her. I mentally face palm. What is happening to me. I've never felt this before. I mentally face palm and turn to walk out of the bedroom door. 

"What do you want to eat?" I ask her. 

"I don't know. I'll find something." she says, skipping past me, not know how incredibly sexy she is. 

She has just the right ammount of inncents that she seems like such a good girl, but this whole goodie two shoes thing seems off. I think she's hiding something, not just from me, but from everyone, and it's hurting her. 

I see it sometimes when she thinks that no one is paying attention, but I am. I see her. And I want to heal her. 


Thank you for reading if you've made it this far!!! My readers meant the world to me!!! Thank you loves!!!!!


I love you!!!!!!!! 

Please don't be silent!! Tell me what you think!! I always love to hear you opinions and thoughts!!! 

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