루윤 1: 첫 회의

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Chapter 1: ⓕⓘⓡⓢⓣ ⓜⓔⓔⓣⓘⓝⓖ

Yoona's POV

'What was it like, living in a world filled with freedom?, being able to make decisions on your own, having friends, having fun, without giving a care, pursuing your dreams without anyone having to decide for you, breaking the rules and fulfilling your dreams... I wonder what its like to be normal...', I wondered as I stared at the window and enjoyed the view from the outside. "Ma'am you better prepare for school...and have your breakfast..", My butler Kevin told me. I smiled at him and made my way inside the toilet. I had, finished having my bath and clothing myself. I headed downstairs to have my break fast. As,usual the maids or anyone working at our house would always, greet me 'Good morning', with a bow. Don't think that I demanded them to do that, because I didn't, it's none other than my beloved father. I sat down, and ate my breakfast alone, without even caring that their just looking at me. My, father is again out of station, his in China again checking on our other companies. Well, to tell you the truth, I don't always see or spend time with my father, I only see him often. And I almost forgot, I had forgotten to introduce myself, how rude of me?. My name is Im Yoona, Yoona is my name and Im is my families name ; Don't get confused. I am born in korea and I am 18 years old, and ofcourse I am already in collage. Not to forget, I study at Yonsei University, one of the finest universities in Korea. Well, shall I say I am always the top student in there?, well, I am not bragging just saying. Anyways, you might've also wondered why I have a personal butler and maids?, well I am actually a rich girl, and meaning by that I am not a spoiled brat. My Father owns, a total of 13 companies, 7 is in here (Korea) and the other 6 is in China. Thats why were rich. And to tell you the truth, my father really can't handle that many at the same time, so my father decided along time ago, that each company we owned should have their own heirs. Now, 12 of our companies have its heir, you might wonder why I said 12 not 13, basically, the largest company that we own is my company, meaning by that I was next to the throne after my father. So, my father is the heir at the largest company out of all the companies we owned. The Heirs of our 12 companies were my fathers bestfriend. And ofcourse you might find it impossible , how can a person have 12 bestfriends?, I found it impossible too, but well since I have met them at the age of 10, I realized it was possible since they were really close with my father; And they were really one fine gentlemens.So, thats how we were able to manage all companies thanks to my fathers bestfriends. To be honest, earlier I had said that I often spend time with my father,well that's basically true, my father is really busy, due to our companies, he had to go back and forth from Korea to China, almost like everyday just to check on our companies and to have meetings. So, I am used to being alone. You might also wonder why I have not mentioned my mother, and kept talking about my Father, well actually my mother left me at such a young age, and my father was the only one who raised me.

I had finished eating my breakfast, so I made my way outside. The car was finally parked in front, my butler Kevin, opened the door for me. I thanked him and headed inside. We were almost near to Yonsei University, where I study, when my phone rang. I took it out of my bag, and checked who it was before answering. It was my father, I answered the phone quickly, and he greeted me goodmorning. I greeted him back and he began to speak, "How are you dear?, I am sorry I called at this time, I know your on your way to your school now..but I need to tell you something important". "Its okay , I am fine... what is it?", I asked him, and he replied hurriedly, "I'll make this quick, the meetings gonna start any minute now, what I wanted to tell you is that I wouldn't be able to come home... I'll be here in Beijing for 2 weeks, but I will be back..". '2 weeks?, well thats alright, I am used to it...', I thought. I wasn't really worried that much, because my father had once or twice been on a business trip for more than a week , shall I just say a month?."Ma'am, we have arrived...", My driver told me, that was when I came to my senses ; we had already arrived at school. I bid my father farewell and ended the call, as I did that I headed out of the car. I walked passed the hall, and everyone i'd passed by or made eye contact with would glance or whisper something about me, some of them were even having amazed faces , some of them were complimenting me. I didn't really care about them, I just kept walking straight heading to my class. As I went inside, my Saeng [ teacher], was already inside. Everyone paused their actions as soon as I went in, I just quickly took my seat. That was when, I realize something was very odd. I look beside me, and then I realized I have a seat mate. This was the first time I had a seat mate since I usually sat at the back alone near the window, I never really wanted a seatmate because I thought it was quite annoying, but I knew I would have one , one day ; and that day was now. "Mrs.Yoona, I believe you must've been curious....Mr.Luhan is a new student here, please treat him nicely..i know you didnt want to have a seat mate, but we have no choice..", My Saeng told me as she must've seen my curious face. And yes, I was adress as 'Mrs.'; In Yonsei University, if you came from a rich family you would be adressed as a 'Mrs. or Mr.'. "Well, I'm fine with it ma'am thank you for informing me..", I told her, without even bothering to look at the person or the guy beside me who she just called by name, 'Mr.Luhan'.

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