루윤 7: 그녀의 과거를 알고

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Chapter 7 : ⓚⓝⓞⓦⓘⓝⓖ ⓗⓔⓡ ⓟⓐⓢⓣ

Luhan's POV

She slowly turned to face us, I saw how tears started to stream down her face, I regretted entering the room when I knew that this was all done by my friends, setting her up to confess the truth. I wanted to comfort her straight away, I wasn't that type of guy, I had said this before, girls were my weakness. At the same time I felt quite a fool of myself, leading them there to eavesdrop.

* Earlier *

"Somethings off track, why did he suddenly leave?", I asked them as I sensed something fishy going on ; usually Baekhyun never likes being alone because he thinks it's uncheerful and he would always drag Chanyeol to come with him wherever he might go, this time he didn't and went alone for the first time. Kai went near me as he replied, "He just needs fresh air maybe?...", I wondered what he meant by those words 'maybe'. Sehun came to the other side and wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder as he said in a very convincing manner, "Luhan.. stop thinking about what he's going to do... you don't need to worry... the truth will be out soon...".

'Aigoo~ this guys how am I going to be able to understand them when they make me so confuse... maybe and truth... what do they mean? something's definetly wrong...', I knew my instincts was right so I trusted them still. "What is this truth you guys are implying to?", I asked them and nobody responded except from the looks of D.O I knew right away what it all was. D.O was never good at lying, he is a very considerate man and for sure just by looking at his big round eyes, you'd knew if he was lying or not. "Wait a minute ... you guys didn't....", I paused for a bit and their expressions became awared that I already knew.

Quickly I went out of the canteen, them tagging along at the back of me. Then we heard everything from the very beginning.

* Back to the Future *

'I shouldn't have gone there with them...', My inner-self blamed me even more."Great timing... "Baekhyun snapped ; the silence which surrounded around us. "This wasn't part of the plan, to eavesdrop , we ended up following him..", Sehun said more like blaming me . I gave him a look and he gave me an apologetic look. "I guess we did something really wrong...", Suho said as his shoulders slumped in disappointment. "Yeah, damn right we did...", D.o sighed followed by Kai who kicked the chair right infront of him and said, "If it wasn't for Mr. Xi here... we would have known everything...".

'I don't exactly know why this guys are so desperate to know about Yoona's past, they never told me why her past was so important', I sat on the chair and continued to think, 'Why was her past so important?'. My head was filled with so much thoughts that I didn't realize Baekhyun was talking to me. "Luhan are you alright? hello?", he waved his hands right infront of my face. I blinked a couple of times and diverted myself from my thoughts as I asked him what is it he was trying to tell me.

"What is it?", I asked and he dragged his chair forward towards me. I waited as he got closer, then he said, "I'm sorry...". I did not expect him to apologize, 'Why is he apologizing to me?', I wondered . I laughed alittle as I replied to him, "Yah! are you silly?, why are you apologizing to me when you didn't do anything wrong to me?". He gave me a blur look and shrugged both his shoulders as if to tell me he doesn't know why. "Aigoo~ Baekhyunee~, you must've been drunk or are you overdosed by your girlfriend?", I teased him.

He gave me a shy-smile in return as he said jokingly, "I was overdosed by her *****". I slapped his back, I guess I have done it too hard because a loud smack came out ; he cried in pain well not literally crying . "Yah! don't be so Byuntae!!! ", I told him laughing at his facial reaction. "Ofcourse his Baekhyun... his always Byuntae..", Chanyeol joined in after returning from the toilet. The two continued to tease one another, I decided to leave them and approach Kai who seemed to be super pissed right around the corner.

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