Chapter 2 Meeting The Boys and Their Girlfriends

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Liam POV

After she finished her sandwich we herd people coming down the stairs "who is that" Maddi asked me with a scared look on her face "it"s just the boys" I said giving her a hug. The boys came into the kitchen "Maddi this is Niall Harry Louis and Zayn" I said pointing to them as I said their names "I know" she said with a huge grin "okay lads this is Maddison Sky" I said to the lads "hi" they all said walking up to her and giving her a hug. "i'm hungry whats for dinner" Niall said looking in the fridge "you're always hungry Niall" Zayn said "I know" Niall said grabbing a block of chocolate out of the fridge.

The room went silence "Perrie is coming home tomorrow" Zayn said with a huge smile on his face breaking the silence I looked over at Maddi and she had a huge grin on her face "do you like Little Mix Maddi" I asked "yes they are awesome" Maddi replied getting off the chair and walking over to me "Perrie is going to like you a lot" Zayn said as I put Maddi on my lap. I get my phone out of my pocket and check the time 5:10 "who is cooking dinner tonight" I ask putting Maddi down and getting up "I will" Zayn replied "thanks lad" I said "you want to go and see your new room" I asked Maddi "yes" she said grabbing my had. we went up to her room when we open the door we saw Dani "mum" Maddi said running up to Dani and giving her a hug Dani smiled and hugged her back.

"Can you stay up here with me" Maddi asked "sure sweetie" I replied Danielle went to have a shower and I got out my phone and went on twitter. I took a photo of Maddi playing in here room a tweeted it saying

@Real_Liam _Payne

Maddi loves her new room :)

I went out of the twitter app locked my phone and put it in my pocket and watched Maddi play.

"Dinner" Zayn yells I pick up Maddi and put her on my hip and walk down stair into the kitchen. I put Maddi down on a chair at the table and grabbed her a plate of food "thank you dad" Maddi said as I gave her the plate of food "you welcome I said and went to grab myself a plate of food.

Danielle POV

I walk down stairs to get dinner. I walk into the kitchen and see everyone else had already gotten food and started eating I walk over to Maddi and kiss her on the forehead then grab a plate of food and sit down and I started eating.

After dinner I washed the dishes. "Maddi time for bed" I said drying my hand "Okay" Maddi said "goodnight Maddi" the boys said "goodnight" she said walking over to Liam "goodnight dad I love you" Maddi said hugging Liam "goodnight sweetie I love you to" Liam said with a huge grin hugging Maddi then kissing her on the cheek. "come on Maddi" I said she ran over to me I picked her up and put her on my hip.

I grabbed her some pajamas and helped her get changed. "night my baby girl" I said tucking her in "nigh night mummy love you" she said giving me a hug "love you to sweetie" I said hugging her then kissing her on the cheek. I turned of her light and went back down stairs and saw the boys on the couch. I went over and sat next to Liam.

We watched Harry Potter. While we were watching Harry Potter I grabbed my phone and went onto twitter. I tweeted


Had Such a great day with @Real_Liam_Payne and our daughter Maddison Payne. Welcome to the family Maddi :)

I then went out of the twitter app and watched the rest of the movie. After the movie had finished I woke Liam up because he fell asleep. When he woke up we went up to bed.


Liam POV

I woke up to a scream. I run into Maddi's room. When I turn on the light I see that she had been crying "whats wrong sweetie" I asked walking over to her bed and giving her a hug "I had a bad dream" Maddi said and started to cry again "it's alright darling do you want to sleep in mine and mum's bed" I asked her "yes please" she said. I stand up and put her one my hip I walk out of her room and turn off her light. I walk into mine and Dani's room and Dani is awake "what happened Liam" Dani asked "she had a bad dream" I replied putting Maddi down on the bed "okay " Dani said giving Maddi a hug "get under the covers baby girl" I said "okay daddy" Maddi said getting under the covers. "Love you mummy love you daddy" Maddi said closing her eyes "love you to" Dani and I both said closing our eyes.

---The Next Day---

Liam POV

"Dad wake up" I hear Maddi yell I open my eyes "what wrong" I asked Maddi "there is a stranger here" she said "where" I asked giving Maddi a hug "down stairs she said. I stand up and pick her up and put her on my hip and walk down stairs. "I'm scared daddy" Maddi said holding on to me as tight as she can "it okay darling" I said rubbing her back.

When I got down stairs I saw Eleanor "there she is there's the stranger" Maddi said pointing to Eleanor "that's not a stranger that's Eleanor uncle Louis girlfriend" I said putting her down. "hi Liam" Eleanor said giving me a hug "hi Eleanor this is my daughter Maddison Sky" I said hugging her back "hi Maddison i'm Eleanor" she said bending down and giving her a hug "hi" Maddi said hugging her back.

I then picked Maddi back up and walked into the kitchen. As we entered the kitchen we saw Zayn and Perrie "HI ZAYN" Maddi yelled "hi Maddi" Zayn said taking her of me and hugging her "this is Perrie" Zayn said "I know we were talking about her last night and she is from Little Mix" Maddi said with excitement. Zayn put Maddi down and she ran up to Perrie and gave her a hug "hi Perrie i'm Maddison" she said "I know" Perrie said hugging her back.

"you hungry Maddi" I asked her "yes" she said with a big grin on her face. "Want some pancakes for breakfast" I asked "yes please daddy" she said hopping on a chair at the table. I made some pancakes and gave Maddi two. After I gave Maddi her pancakes I hear someone running down stairs. "Can I have some pancakes" Niall asked runnibg into the kitchen "sure thing Niall" I said giving him a plate with four pancakes on. I then grabbed myself a plate with four pancakes on and sat next to Maddi and ate them.

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