Chapter 6 The New Couple and Broken Bones

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Louis POV

"WAKE UP LOUIS" I hear Tanya yell "i'm up i'm up" I say "goog get ready you got to be at Geographe Primary School at 8:30" Tanya said "Okay" I said. I got up and got dressed then went down stairs to get some breakfast. When I walked into and saw Lucy eatting breakfast "morning Lucy" I said "morning Louis how are you this morning" Lucy asked "good how are you" I asked "good" she said getting up and putting her plate on the sink "What school do you go to" I asked Lucy  I am in year seven and I am a student counselor witch mean i get to come up and say thank you to you guys with my friend Lizzie she loves you guys and you are her favourite but my favourite is Harry" she said "really i am your favourite" Harry said walking into the kitchen "yes you are and morning" Lucy said to Harry "morning Lucy morning Lou" Harry said "Morning Harry and okay Lucy I guess you friend will be excited"  I said "she is" she said walking out of the room.

"MORNING EVERYONE" Niall yelled coming down stairs "morning Niall" Harry said " well someone is in a good mood this morning and morning Niall" I said "Morning Niall" Liam and Zayn said coming down stairs. "Why are you in such a good mood Niall" Brianna asked coming down stairs "because I am so happy and I got a good night sleep last night" Niall said.

After breakfast we left to go to school. When we got to the school the Principle was waiting out the front "hello my name is Mr Jackson but you can call me Tim you guys must be One Direction "yes that is us" Niall said. "Hi I am Louis that is Niall that is Liam that is Zayn that is Harry that is Brianna and that is Liam's daughter Maddison" I said "nice to meet you all how are you all" "WONDERFUL" Niall yelled "we are good" Liam said "hi Lucy I see you already met the boys" Tim said "yes they are kinda staying with me" Lucy said "okay well let show you were you are preforming today" Tim said we followed him.

 "all the classes will be here soon you guys start at 9:00 and it is 8:55 now" Tim said 


"Good morning everyone" Tim said "good morning Jackson" the whole school said back "today we have some special guests who are going to preform a song for you all then after two people from each class will get to meet with them please welcome One Direction" Tim said we walked onto the stage. "hi everyone" Harry said as we went onto the stage "who has a request for a song" Harry asked the kids put there hands up. Tim go off the stage with a microphone and went down to the older kid "can you guy sing live while we're young please" a girl said "sure Niall said "okay here is Live While We're Young" Zayn said and the music started

Hey girl I'm waiting on ya, I'm waiting on ya. 

Come on and let me sneak you out. 

And have a celebration, a celebration. 

The music up the windows down. 


Yeah, we'll be doing what we do. 

Just pretending that we're cool. 

And we know it too (know it too). 

Yeah, we'll keep doing what we do. 

Just pretending that we're cool so tonight. 

Lets go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the sun. 

I know we've only met but let's pretend it's love. 

And never, never, never stop for anyone. 

Tonight let's get some. 

And live while we're young. 

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh 

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