Chapter 4 What To Do

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Liam POV

When I woke up this morning I grabbed my phone and went on twitter I look through the tweets i had been mentioned in and there was a tweet that Niall had mention me in saying


Love my Niece :) she has the most AWESOMEST dad @Real_Liam_Payne :) :)

and there was a picture of Maddi. I then looked at Maddi and she was still sleeping then I tweeted a tweet saying


@NiallOffical thanks mate you are and the most AWESOMEST friend and uncle :) :)

I then put my phone back on  my beside table and just laid there waiting for Maddi to wake up

Niall POV

I hear my phone buzzed I wake up and have a look it said I had been mentioned in a tweet. I unlock my phone and look at the tweet it said 


@NiallOffical thanks mate you are the most AWESOMEST friend and uncle :) :)

After I see it was Liam that mention me in his tweet I put my phone one my bedside table and get up and walk to Liam's room. I knock on the door "come in" I hear Liam say. I opened the door "hi Niall" Liam whispered as I walk in his room "hi Liam" I whispered closing the door behind "what do you want" Liam whispered "I came to see if you where alright" I whispered "I'm okay I just don't know how to tell Maddi" Liam whispered holding back his tears "I can help you if you like" I whispered "thank you mate" Liam whispered.

"Daddy" Maddi said waking up "yes princess" Liam said giving her a hug "I love you" she said hugging Liam back "I love you to Liam said refusing to let her go. "hi Uncle Niall" Maddi said giving me a hug "hi Maddi" I said giving he a big hug back. "Where is mum" Maddi asked "well mum and I broke up so she doesn't live with us anymore" Liam said as tears fell down his face Maddi started crying and Liam just gave her a big hug and calmed her down.

"You still got your dad me, Louis, Zayn, Harry, Perrie and Eleanor" I said giving Maddi a hug "I know" she said hugging me tightly back. Then there was a knock on the door "come in" Liam said "is everything alright" Zayn said walking into the room "UNCLE ZAYN" Maddi said giving him a big hug "everything is fine" Liam said "are you okay mate" Zayn said sitting on the bed still hugging Maddi "I'm okay just told Maddi about Dani" Liam said "it's okay mate you got as" I said.

Liam POV

Maddi really like Zayn and Zayn really like Maddi. I am glad the lads are here to help out with Maddi. "You what to get some breakfast Maddi" I ask "yes" Maddi said getting down off the bed. We went down stairs into the kitchen "do you want toast Maddi" I asked "yes please daddy" she said sitting on a chair at the table. I made her some toast and gave it to her. "Can you please have a shower Maddi" I asked after she had finished eating "okay daddy" Maddi said getting up and going upstairs I followed her. When Maddi was in the shower I got some clothes out for her to wear. I got her out a pink t-shirt that had a red butterfly on it, a pair of jeans and her rainbow sequin slip on vans. 

When Maddi had finished in the shower I helped her get changed then brushed her hair and put it up in a pony tail. I then picked her up and took her down stairs. "Zayn can you watch Maddi while I go have a shower please" I asked putting Maddi down "sure" Zayn said giving Maddi a hug "thanks mate" I said going back upstairs. After I had got out of the shower and had got changed I went back down stairs. "DADDY" Maddi yelled as I came down the stairs "hey princess" I said picking her up and giving her a hug "what do you want to do today" I asked sitting down on the lounge and siting her on my lap "can we just stay home today daddy" Maddi said hugging me tightly "sure thing princess" I said hugging her back tightly as well.

"Can we please watch a movie Daddy" Maddi asked me "sure what do you want to watch" I asked getting up and going over to were the DVD are "can we watch Finding Nemo please" Maddi asked pointing to Finding Nemo "sure" I said putting the Dvd in. I sat back down on the couch and Maddi sat on my lap.

By the end of the movie Maddi was a sleep on my lap she looks so cute when she is sleeping. "Liam can I ask you something" Zayn said walking into the lounge room "sure what's up" I asked him as he sat next to me on the couch "what are you going to do if Dani wants to see Maddi" Zayn asked "I will um if Dani want to see Maddi I will ask Maddi if she wants to see her if she does I will let her and if she doesn't then she doesn't have to" I whispered so I didn't wake Maddi up "okay what if Dani wants Maddi to stay with her" Zayn asked "well I won't let her because Dani siad she didn't want Maddi" I said holding back my tears.

"Daddy" Maddi said waking up "yes Princess" I asked her giving her a hug "I'm hungry what is for lunch" she asked giving me a big hug "do you want a sandwich" I asked "yes please" she said hopping off my lap "okay" I said picking her up and going into the kitchen. I made her a sandwich and gave it to her. When she finished eating she gave me a big hug "thank you daddy" she said while hugging me "what for" I asked hugging her back "for being my daddy" she said "you don't need to thank me" I said hugging her back tightly "okay" she said hugging me as tight as she can.


We just finished eating dinner and I was Washing the dishes while Maddi was watching TV with the lads. "Bed time Maddi" I said after I finished washing the dishes "okay Daddy night everyone" she said running over to me I pick her up "night Maddi"  the lads said when went up stair. "Do you want to sleep in your room on in my room tonight" I asked her when we got up stair "can I sleep in your room please" she said "sure" I said. I walked into my room and put Maddi down on the bed "night night baby girl" I said while tucking her in "night night daddy love you" she said "love you to I will be up in a couple of minutes" I said and kissed her on her forehead "okay I will probably be asleep by then" she said closing her eyes. I turned off the lights and went down stairs.

When I got down stairs my phone buzzed I had got a message from Dani she said

Hey Liam I am sorry about last night didn't mean anything I said I still love you. How is Maddi?

From Dani

I set her a message back saying

To Dani

Hi Dani, Maddi was really upset when you just left last night and I still love you as well. Maddi is fine she just went to bed.

Not long after i sent her the message she replied and we then kept texting each other.

I am so sorry Liam please forgive me 

From Dani

To Dani

I will forgive but first you got to say sorry to Maddi and the lads and you got to promise me you will never do what you did last night again.

I promise I Will never do it again. Can I come over now to see you and the boys please xx

From Dani

To Dani

Okay cya soon xx

--- 5 minute later ---

"DADDY" I hear Maddi scream I run up stairs into my room "what's wrong darling" I ask going over to her and giving her a hug "I-I h-had a b-b-bad dream" she cried. I just sat with her then we hear a knock "come in" I said "hi Dani" I said as she walked into my room "hi Liam  hi Princess" she said walking over to the bed and siting down " hi mummy" Maddi said giving her a hug. "hey princess i am so sorry the  I just left last night" she said hugging her back "it is okay mummy I love you" she said sitting on my lap "I love you to sweaty" Dani said.

"Can we talk" Dani asked me when Maddi was a sleep "sure" I said. "Can you be my boyfriends again because I love you so much and you are such a great boyfriend and dad" Dani said "yes Dani I would never say no to you because I love you more than anyone in the whole world" I said we both smiled and then I kissed her.

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