Part 17

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RJ and Meng went into the room
and saw  the bed with it's white covers. It also had two tables beside it and a lamp on each side.

She turned to the left and saw a door. She approached it and saw that it led to the bathroom.

When she stepped out of it, RJ was on the other side of the room twisting the door knob of a brown door.

"It's locked." he said as he kept on twisting it.

"Then, just leave it. Maybe it has something very important inside of it." The young woman then started to roam around the huge room.

There was a black sofa with some pillows on one side of the bed, while on the other there was a desk with a wooden chair.

"Meng." RJ said as Maine sat on the bed.

"Hmm?" she said.

"There's a note for the both of us on the desk. Dad texted me. Could you read it?" HE asked.

"Sure." She said with a bit of  hesitation.

She read it aloud.

To: RJ and Meng

This will be the room you will PERMANENTLY sharing. As for the other room that is locked, you'll open it up in time. Anyway, You'll be staying with Jose and Wally. Don't worry they have their own house in the property. The one beside the guard house.

And also, you won't attend work anymore. You'll be staying with each other 24/7.

I'm sorry that the two of you have to stop working. Don't worry in the future you can work again.

-Faulkersons and Mendozas.

Maine was a little teary-eyed since she loved her work and RJ, on the other hand, was in shock.

RJ, then went and sat beside her and gave her a hug. Se eventually calmed down.

There was something about RJ's touch that made Maine feel secured and calm.

And for RJ, there was something about her touch that makes him think that he can do anything.

"Could that mean we're still in love with each other." The two thoight in unison.

The EX ReturnsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon