Chapter 13 | Coming for You

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So my birthday was last week. How did I spend it? I went to the movies with a good friend of mine.

DeVanté has been blowing me up, constantly calling and calling. It's really starting to annoy me. I'm obviously ignoring him. Why can't he get the hint?

I don't even feel like confronting him about the baby situation. Yeah, I should give him a chance to explain. But I just don't have the energy for that kind of drama. I'm sixteen. What I look like playing mommy? 😑

"Mo, you ready?" My friend, Tori, asked me.

"Yeah, hold on."

I threw on a pair of shoes and grabbed my pager before leaving.

We walked out and got into my car. I started it up and drove to the mall.

Skipping the Car Ride

"I'm finna try these on." Tori said while holding up a two pairs of pants.

I nodded and she went into on of the dressing rooms.

I continued looking around for something. I turned around and bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologized.

I looked up and met eyes with a cute dude.

He looks around my age! 😊

"No, that was my fault." He smiled.

I smiled back and couldn't help but to stare.

"So what's your name?" He asked.

I shook my head so I could focus on something other than his face. "M-Morgan." I said.

"Ant, bring yo ass on!" A boy yelled from across the store.

"I'll see you around, I guess." He said before leaving.

So his name is Ant? 🤔

Tori came out of the dressing room. "How the crap these don't fit, but these do? They the same damn size." She put a pair of pants back.

"Must be the material." I shrugged.

We got tired of shopping, so we decided to head to the food court. We got our food and sat down at a table.

"Aye, there go my cousin." Tori said while looking at someone.

It was that 'Ant' boy! 😱

He walked over to us and sat down beside Tori, in front of me.

"Sup, Tori." He gave her a head nod.

"Hey. Mo, this is my cousin, Anthony."

So his name is Anthony! 👀

"Anthony, this is-"

"Yeah, we kind of met already." He cut her off and smirked at me.

"Is that right?" Tori nudged me and winked.

I playfully rolled my eyes at her.

"So, how old are you?" Anthony asked me.

"Uh, I-I just turned sixteen."

"Yeah, and Anthony here is eighteen not twenty-one." Tori said.

"Why you say not twenty-one?" Anthony asked with a laugh.

"No reason." She smiled at me.

I glared at her. She knows that I was with a twenty-one year old, but she doesn't know who he is. I lied and told her his name is Will.

We continued talking and eating and whatnot. Anthony and I exchanged numbers before he had to leave.

"He seemed pretty interested in ya."

I lowkey blushed. "Shut up." I pushed Tori's shoulder.

Anthony is a pretty chill guy. He's cute with good hair ya know? 😌


I can't believe this girl put something in my drink and took advantage of me. That's fucking rape! I haven't told Dalvin or anyone else about it, because he's liable to not believe me and no one else knows about my relationship with Morgan.

Speaking of Morgan, I've been calling and paging her non stop and she won't answer. I'm scared something's wrong with my baby.


"Wassup?" He asked while looking through some papers.

"When is our show at home, again?"

"In two days." He said.

"Aight." I started walking out.

"Oh, yeah. We gone leave tomorrow mornin." He said.

I nodded and went back to my hotel room.

I can't wait to get home, so I can confront Morgan about not answering me.

Don't want to answer my calls? That's cool. I'm coming for ya, Morgan.


Seems like Morgan has a new love interest. I don't think DeVanté will like that. 💀

Sorry for it being short. Kind of didn't have any ideas... 😕


Thanks for reading! 💓

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