Chapter Five

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I only made it to the game with a few minutes to spare. Soon after Brad's proposal - not the kind I was expecting, he had to head off to get ready for his football match. Panting, 'back to the gym tomorrow' I mentally told myself, knowing full well, that the last time I had been to the gym was approximately six months ago and I was still paying out the membership fee. As I climbed up the stand with a drink and hot dog in hand, I made my way over to where the rest of the girlfriends and wives of the players sat. It was known as the WAG or Lover's row. No one else was to sit there apart from the obvious.  

It was a fairly easy to work out where you had to sit, for they all sat in a pecking order if you will. From the most influential to the least.

Guess where I sat.

"Hi guys, sorry I am late." Not that any of them would have cared why I was late. Though, If I had not turned up, that would have been a different story and a possible demotion further back in the stands for failing to show my undying support for my boyfriend. You were to appear to show your support for your loved one. No matter if you were on your deathbed, in labour or stuck with a work deadline. You had to be there.

I took my place in the last seat in the row. Some of the girls glanced over and nodded in acknowledgment of my presence. Ginny was here. she was no.2 in the pecking order. Though she never dated any of the football players, she was recognized as a important part of Brad's life, much like me, When I first went to the matches, Ginny and I sat together and cheered him on. The next match after Brad's housewarming between the three of us, I turned up to see my seat had been taken by Lisa, the next girl in line of the pecking order and I had somehow, been demoted to the end of the row after the unexpected ending of the call. I wondered what Ginny had said to get me 'demoted.' a few weeks ago, but I was not overly fussed considering how strained things had been between her and me lately. I waved at Lisa, she threw me her usual apologetic smile for taking my 'spot' when Ginny wasn't looking. I knew Lisa wasn't going to talk to me around Ginny, not unless she wanted to lose her no.3 spot.

I watched the Brad run around the field chasing a ball, doing warm ups. Football wasn't my thing, and I could barely understand the rules. Brad tried to explain the rules to me, even drew diagrams on my stomach when we couldn't find any paper at my place, but even my body and mind wouldn't absorb the ink and explanations for a such aggressive game. he played some part where it involved getting the ball to the goalpost, that much I understood. What was important was, I turned up to the matches for him and he was content with that.

The coach's wife, Heather, Number 1 of the order, got up to head somewhere, presumably, to talk to her husband, she was not one to eat the food served here. She paused as she reached me, I looked up at her, I could see her face scrunch up in hesitation as she debated on whether to say what she wanted. Heather used to be warm towards me, but had decidedly become cool in the recent weeks. I decided to encourage her to speak.

"Hi Heather, lovely weather isn't it?"

"You should be ashamed of yourself!"

"For talking about the weather?" I asked confused.

"For you know what!"

"No, I don't. please, explain."

"For treating Brad back like that!"

"What?" I almost shouted. "What are you talking about?"

"Despicable." Holly the 4th of the order spat down the row. I looked at Lisa, hoping she might explain this strange event unfolding before me. She refused to look at me, she just stared out onto the match below.

I was at loss to understand. But I was mad, very mad. How was I supposed to defend myself if no one would tell me what was going on?

"I am sorry, but last I checked Brad wasn't being treated badly  by me or anything. He's a grown man and is free to do as he pleases. As far as I can see, he wants to be with me. I am unaware of any  events of me, treating him badLy. II raised my voice over the crowd as my temper began to rise and it the game started to commence, "Also, you need to get your facts correct before you go off at people. Now if you excuse me, I'm watching the game. you know, the one behind your fat ass." I clamped my hand over my mouth. I couldn't believe I just told her she had a fat bottom.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now