Chapter Eight

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"Where the hell are they?" I muttered. going through my boxes I unpacked it's contents all over the floor of the hallway.

It was early morning, Make up sex had been wonderful, I couldn't help but be slightly more noisy for our unwanted guest. However before I started going through my boxes, I had strutted downstairs in nothing but Brad's business shirt and a pair of black lacey underwear. I couldn't help but want to stake my claim here while she was around.

She smirked at me as she finished her toast and Brad pulled me to his side as he drank his coffee.

"I better get going going now. Thanks for letting me spend the night, Brad." Yes, don't thank me. I'm just the thorn on your side.

"Kate, we must catch up soon." We must not. I 'hmm-ed' in partial agreement.

Ginny helped herself out the door as Brad pulled me tighter to his side as he could see I was about to shred her to pieces. His actions seemed to show he was afraid I wouldn't hold back.

"I spoke to Ginny."


"We talked."

"That's it?"

"Yep." my potential husband continued to drink his coffee.

"Ridiculous, surely more was said. I did you mention about the whole rumor spre.."

"No, Kate," he cut me off. Brad "I am not getting between the two of you. I have spoken to her, and I've asked her to be nicer. Honestly. I love you both, but I will not be the pawn in this game. The two of you need to sit down and work it out. I've told her the same thing. What's more, I've asked her to give us more space. But from now on, if you have a problem with her, take it up with her."

"Tell me what happened then."

"No, That's between me and her. You two need to talk it out."

He was right, but it hurt. in my head I had the pre-convinced notion that a man was supposed to defend his better half no matter who was right or wrong. he was supposed to tell her everything. Too many romances novels had gone to my head.

"Fine." I sulked. leaving Brad to finish his breakfast, I slouched off to find my box of clothes, bringing me to wondering where the hell they were.

"Brad?" I called out anxiously down the hallway after spending the last twenty minutes looking for the box of clothes, he appeared from the kitchen and waited cautiously down there.

I rolled my eyes, still angry at him for this morning, and he knew this. "Have you seen my box of clothes?"


"Great. do you know where they are?"

"Didn't I just say no?" I nearly growled at his response. He looked at me frustrated, but thought better of it and came down the hallway and wordlessly went through the boxes looking for my clothes.

"They are right there, where the box has 'clothes' written on it." Brad pointed out annoyed I had dragged him down here for nothing.

I pulled the boxes down from their neatly organized pile down to the now cluttered hallway. Why didn't I just see the box that said 'Clothes' on it? how blind can you get? I refused to give thanks to Brad for his help. Choosing to ignore him as I opened the box. He strode back to the kitchen to continue what I assumed was his usual morning paper read.


"Jesus Kate, what it is now?"

"This isn't the box with clothes in it!" I rummaged in the box, trying to find one piece of clothing in it under the pile of junk that was supposed to go to the salvation army shop. Oh no.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now