Chapter Twenty One

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The sun flittered through the window. it was just shy of six in the morning. I slept horribly. My mind just went over and over the kiss. analysing it from every angle. Every conclusion boiled down to this: Kissing him felt like coming home. I belonged there.

I just wanted to hide in this room all day. I wondered what Sam was thinking. Was he feeling the same? I'd half hoped waking up, the feelings I had for Sam were gone along with the alcohol in my system. They hadn't, if anything they intensified overnight. I didn't get it, I loved Brad. How was it I was moving on from him so quickly? There was a set of rules you were supposed to follow after a break up.

Cry for a week. use up several boxes of tissues. Have chocolate like it's the end of the world. Wear his clothes left behind. Mope, call in sick to work.

Get angry and pack away his offending items in a box and return it to him. delete all contact numbers.

Feel remorseful. spend time placing numbers back in phone.

eat more chocolate.

wait another week. Come out feeling stronger than ever, Proving he's nothing to you. wait 6 months before delving into another relationship. Maybe sooner, depending on the length of relationship.

I had done none of those. I just skipped over everything and went straight to kissing another man.

There was a knock on the door. I propped myself up with my elbows in the bed. "Come in." I was disappointed to see it was Petra.

"Morning." I exaggerated a yawn.

"Geez, you look just as bad as Sam. What happened last night?"

"What Sam say?"

"He told me everything." She replied casually. My mouth fell open. I couldn't believe it. He told her everything? Everything?? I slowed down my panic. Sam didn't seem like that kind of person. She came and sat on the bed, smoothing the creases out of the bed. I eyed her suspiciously. Was she bluffing?

"Oh, then I guess you know what happened last night."

She whined, I knew it. she knew nothing. I was relieved Sam had the decency to keep it to himself, least until we had a chance to talk.

"Sam won't tell me anything! The tension in the atmosphere is killing me He went straight to bed after you did. Did you guys have another fight? Do I need to kick his butt?"

"No," I smiled, admiring her loyalty. "Sam was fine last night. We had dinner, I was tired, I went to bed." She hurrumped. Disappointed there was nothing more to the story.

"I'll get it out of you sooner or later. And when I find out what happened, I'll kick his butt."

"Why do you assume he did anything wrong?"

"So he did so something!"

"What? No. Sam's not the bad guy here. Give him a break."

She gasped, "You're defending him! why Are you defending him? The two of you hate each other!" I fell back onto the pillows. How did Sam put up with her interrogation?

"No we don't hate each other. We just got off at the wrong foot the other day. Now, Shoo, I need to get ready." signalling for the end of the conversation, this method seemed to work best on her.

"Fine, But don't think I've given up. I'll find out what's going on between the two of you soon enough."

I slipped out of bed and started to get ready for work. I hadn't ran into Sam on the way to the shower, I spent a long time just trying to get my make up right. No matter what I did i just couldn't get it perfect. I stared at myself in the mirror. What was I doing? I groaned. You're getting your hopes up for nothing Kate. Cool it. I gave up with my makeup and finished styling my hair. by the time I was nearly done Petra was banging on the door telling me to hurry up. I was so nervous. I tried to snap myself out of it, But it just wasn't working. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Heading to the porch I saw Petra waiting there tapping her foot impatiently.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now