Chapter Eleven

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The caves at Jenolan were beautiful. as I crossed over the intensely blue lake surrounded by lush greenery and under the arch I was so lost in the beauty of the I nearly ran a family over as I drove towards the hotel on the other side.

"Sorry!" I called out the window of my old red hatchback ford as the father flipped me the bird and dragged his children and wife over to the safety of the path. where they should have been there in the first place. I focused on the road more as I searched for parking, Shuddering at the thought the weekend could have been over very quickly if I the family hadn't gotten out of the way in time. I had all weekend to look at the caves. This is going to be so fun! I bounced in my seat as I continued to drive up the narrow, winding road, until I found a parking spot furthest from the hotel. Nothing was going to dampen my enthusiasm. I hopped out of the car bursting with excitement. I couldn't wait to have a look around, sussing out the spots where I thought he might pop the question, not under the arch, obliviously too many people, and cars. It was a bit cold and dark the too. I recalled another arch above the main one, perhaps it would be under that. That would be so romantic. Maybe it would be on one of those cave tours I thought hopefully at the idea of Brad getting down on one knee in front of all those tourists, oh and they'd be able to take photos of the moment! I made a mental note I'd have to take pen and paper so I could get them to email me their snaps to me.

Stretching my legs after the long three hour drive, I ran my hands over my light blue denim skirt and white buttoned top. I wanted to go for a relaxed casual look before dollying up for tonight. I thought I had pulled that look off pretty damn well. "Hi!" I almost shouted at a passbyer who looked at me like a was crazy. I didn't care. I smiled and waved at them as then sped their pace up towards more populated spot away from me. I pulled out my phone to call Brad, but there was no reception on the phone. Unfazed I decided to take a wander over to the information centre.

Oh, ghost tours! I pulled the brochure out off the information wall. studying the brochure I imagined how great it would be, scaring myself silly with unexplained sounds and apparitions,  Brad would reassure me everything was okay. I took another few brochures for reading.

I passed the restaurant, deciding to seat myself in there for a little while until Brad came by, ordering another hot drink, All the seats were nearly taken except luckily a table was free the window. I needed to distract myself from tonight, I was getting too excited and nervous at the same time. I sat in my seat getting comfortable as I listened into other people's conversations about their cave experiences.

"It was huuuuugeee." one wide eyed boy exclaimed.

"Too dark for me." gothic teenager whined as she bit her nails. I cringed.

"There's no phone reception in the caves how was I supposed relay how everything was back to my best friend?" another teenager complained to her parents.

I giggled at the conversations. turning my mind back to the big event tonight. I hope it goes alright! More so, I hope the proposer turns up on time tonight, I really don't want to hold this off another night! I'd never sleep tonight if it didn't happen.

"Hi, mind if I sit here?" A olive skinned girl with thick brown hair gestured to the seat in front of me.

"Sure, of course not." I nodded.

"I'm Petra." she put her hand out for me to shake.


Petra stirred her drink as she waited for it to cool. "What brings you here?"

"My boyfriend." I smiled. It felt like I was telling everyone I met on the way what was happening tonight. I may have well hung a sign over the great western highway announcing his intentions. "He's proposing here tonight." I added. "I think."

She laughed. "You think? or you know?"

"I know." I stated confidently. "I have received enough hints over the last few weeks that points to proposal."

"That's great Kate, congratulations!"

"Thanks, Petra." I couldn't wipe the smile of my face. It was just nice to be  able to tell someone what was happening.

"where are you from?" I asked noticing a european accent in her voice.

"Helsingborg." I stare at her for a moment. trying to work out where, Helsingborg was.

"Sweden, close to Denmark coast."


"It can get so, sometimes, but you get used to it. Just like the weather here."

"What brings you here?"

"A change in scenery. I just finished work for today. I work here part time few days a week running one of the challenging caves. Tomorrow, it's back to climbing trees! I much prefer that."

"Climbing trees?" I looked at her mystified having almost choked on my drink when I first heard her. We were evolved people now, no need to go back to pre-historic times.

"Yes! It's so fun! it's like being Tarzan, swinging from tree to tree. You and your boyfriend should come over this weekend. it's not far from here. You'll love it." I looked at her wearily. I wasn't sure I would want to swing around the bush like a half crazed ape. I looked at my nails, I was sure they'd get ruined. Though, Brad in a loin cloth....

"Sounds awesome." I lied. finishing my coffee quickly before she could rope me into coming to her crazy tree park. " I better go check in. It was really nice to have coffee with you. Why don't you leave me the details, and i'll see if we have time to stop by this...tree thing?" Petra wrote the location of the place, I folded it and placed it in my handbag, noting to throw it out at the first opportunity I got. Climbing trees. sounds crazy and dangerous.

"Thanks Petra, Maybe I'll see you soon!"

"I'm sure you will! Good luck with this weekend!" she waved as I retreated out of the restaurant.  

I trekked my way back to the car, (They really needed moving walkways here. How can anyone stand these steep hills?) and opened the boot to get my luggage out, I checked my phone again, but there were still no bars on my phone. I wasn't surprised, we were so deep in the bush I didn't think there'd be a cell tower nearby. I shrugged, he'd be here soon enough. I almost skipped over in happiness with my luggage trailing behind to the hotel reception. 

"Hi, I'm here to check in, Brad Evans, thanks." I announced to the stony looking girl behind the counter.

"What's your name?"

"Kate, Kate Morrison" I offered.

"So, you're not Brad." she pointed out.

I laughed. "Obviously, no, it's my boyfriend, he's running a bit late, but he'll be here in any minute,  but in the mean time, I'll check in for him."

"Sorry ma'am, we can't allow other people to check in under someone else's name." she said flatly.

"But he'd be here in a minute...." I looked at her name tag "...Desiree, it would make the whole process much quicker if i just fill the details now."

"No." she deadpanned and looked over my shoulder, "Next please."

"No wait, I'm not finished here." I almost growled at the person behind me. they took a step back. Smart.

"Desiree, seriously, Brad is due here in any minute, he will not be happy to hear how you have treated me, now really, this is silly, just give me the details I need to fill out, Brad will sign everything he requires when he gets here."

"No." she looked over my shoulder again to indicate the next person to come forward. I raised my hand up at them to wait.

"Des, please" I tried to appeal her gentler side,  "He's going to propose tonight, I really want to get to my room and get ready for this, and I won't if he is turns up now!" I looked at her hopefully, opening my wallet i pulled two fifties out. leaned over the counter and whispered,

"I'll tip you generously!" I smiled broadly.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now