Chapter Nine

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I had couple thousand in savings at the bank for a 'rainy day'.

Today, was my rainy day.

With a croissant in one hand and a hot drink in another, I felt very breakfast at Tiffany's' this moment. only I wasn't at Tiffany's. I was standing outside the window of the Burberry shop admiring a plum taffeta dress on the display model. I could just see myself wearing that dress with the black belt and recommended shoes and accessories on the night of the proposal. My hair sleeked back into a high pony tail, my makeup would be au naturale, with waterproof mascara (so I'll still look perfect even when I cry), a touch of rosy pink blush, glossed lips to enhance my natural lips....  it would be perfect, and I could keep it for years to come, it would become a vintage dress in the family and our daughter would think I was so cool and want to wear it on the night her boyfriend proposed. Not that she'd know when he would propose, but I'd make sure she told him he had to ask her dad's hand in marriage first so I had some warning and could get the dress ready for the momentous occasion.

I shook my head, I was getting way ahead of myself. marriage, children... a non existant white picket fenced house. I still hadn't figured out my little problem with Ginny. I shook her from my head, I could feel myself getting all worked up over the thought of her. I couldn't marry Brad, not yet, not until the Ginny issue was resolved. I has called her and apologized for my behaviour which she seemed to accept with great disappointment. I offered to have lunch with her as a let try this again, fortunately for me and her, she was awfully busy with her new club. I was not bothered, my hostile feelings towards her hadn't abated, It had been three weeks since I moved in, after the rough start, things were improving immensely, interestingly enough since Ginny hadn't dropped by since the move in. she called here and there for a talk to Brad which he smartly had with me in the room, so I knew nothing sinister was going down. If I decided I couldn't marry Brad because of her, that would mean turning down his hand in marriage if he proposed this weekend, surely I could be adult about this and work through that issue after. Yes , It would be silly to turn down Brad, the house, security, all for the sake of Ginny. She'd have to just live with it. I nodded to myself in conviction.

"What are you nodding about?" oh shoot, i'd been caught arguing with myself. 

"Nothing." I changed the subject quickly. "What do you think of that dress?" I pointed at the window as I sipped my hot drink, I was on my lunch break from work Lisa looked up from her phone and gave the dress a once over.

"I love it. You should totally get it" Lisa replied with enthusiasm. I knew the only reason Lisa was out because she wanted to ask me about this weekend, by which I had no doubt, her husband had been told by Brad about his plans, to which he relayed to his wife. And I wasn't sure it was relayed to her by choice. Lisa prepared to tie her peroxided blonde hair back as the wind picked up 

"What's the special occasion?" There it was, she was trying to get more information.

"Oh, nothing special, just wanted to treat myself to a nice dress." I shrugged, watching Lisa absorb the information like a sponge and not liking my answer.

She tries another tactic. "How's Brad?"

"He's great, working hard as always." I gave little as possible, I knew Lisa would slip up sooner or later out of frustration. We continued to chatter about his job and upcoming football matches.    

Lisa tries a new tactic as we crossed the street. "So, Kate? you're not one to do that sort of thing, there must be a reason you want that dress! like something happening this weekend?" She suggested hopefully. Like you know what sort of person I am Lisa, you barely talk to me unless it's for your own benefit.

"What's happening this weekend?" I asked seriously.

"Didn't Brad tell you?" she spluttered out covering her mouth, probably at the thought she might have been the one to give the game away.

"No, why? what's going on this weekend?" I then broke out into laughter as I watched Lisa try and figure out how to back peddle.

"You know, don't you?" I laughed, as she gave me a dirty look.

"He's taking me away for the weekend." was all I offered.

"That's not all I heard." Lisa sang as she hooked her arm into mine  as we started to walk back to work.

"What did you hear then?" I asked, giving in to her baiting, only in return to bait her for more information.

"No, I can't tell you, it would spoil the surprise." She waved her hand off in the air as if she was trying to shoo a fly away. "But I can assure you, you'd love it!" Lisa broke out into a mammoth grin and continued to pull me back to work.

So he is going to propose! Maybe, whatever it was, it was something big. I giggled to myself before looking back at the Burberry shop behind me.

My mobile rang, I went to fetch it out of my bag eagerly, seeing that it was Brad I rushed to answer it immediately.

"Brad, hi!" I answered breathlessly.

"Kate, sweetheart, you sound like you've been running a marathon."

"Oh, no, nothing like that, Just, you take my breath away." I groaned mentally at the cheesy statement I just said to him. Couldn't I have come with up with a better comeback?

He laughed at my response and told me he loved me. Take that Ginny.

"Listen sweetheart, I called because there's been a change of plans with the weekend."

"Oh no, Brad!" I whined, a sense of red filled me as I ran through all the possibilities to why the plans had been changed. I was willing to bet Ginny had something to do with it.

"No, it's alright, we're still going, We're just going to have to take separate cars that's all."

"Oh, how come?" Instantly feeling guilty that i seemed to jump to the conclusion Ginny had everything to do with why things went wrong in our relationship. at this rate, I going going to need therapy.

"Last minute football training on Sunday, it was on Saturday, but I convinced the coach to make it Sunday. but I'll have to leave early that Sunday morning, and I don't want you to have to rush back to the city just yet, sleep in, take a break."

"I love you Brad, that's really sweet of you to think that."

"Love you too Kate, I got to go, but I'll be there soon as I can, I'll text you the address of the hotel, I'll knock off work early, should be there by about seven-ish?"

I agreed and we ended the call, looking back down to the burberry signage. I was filled with more conviction that something big was going to happen. I was almost certain it was proposal. I really wanted that dress now I had more concrete evidence something big was going to happen, but I didn't know if i could justify the price tag on the dress, then the accessories i'd need for it to work.

But this could be it Kate, don't you want to look like the most gorgeous person in the room that night?

I did need to buy new clothes, Brad had already seen me wear everything formal from my wardrobe, it was only right I made the weekend extra special with new stuff.

"You think I should get it?" I asked Lisa, wanting reassurance that blowing my savings for this dress was worth it.


With determination, I walked as fast as I could back Burberry with my head high.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now