Chapter Twenty Three

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I ended up staying longer than the week that Sam had issued to us at the start. I'd now been here just shy of two weeks. While things remained tense between Petra and I, it stated to lighten up. Maybe I had read to much into it and she really was just protective of Sam. The sex with Sam was just amazing. I never went back to my room after that night. 

"Psst." I leaned back from the counter of the kiosk to hear what Sam wanted to say from the equipment room.

"Hmm?" I wasn't looking at him as I was busy finalising the change for a customer. Sam didn't respond so I stepped into the room to find out what he wanted. in a flurry he picked me up and gave me a kiss, twirling me around. I giggled.

"Keep tonight free." I rolled my eyes at him. Where else was I going to go? He knew damn well my calendar was lacking.

"What are we doing?"

"It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises."

"You'll like this one."

"Sure will if you tell me now."

"Nice try." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and headed out the door joining his waiting group. I sat down in my chair and watched Sam work.

"You make him happy you know." I glanced over to Petra leaning on the door frame.

"He makes me happy too." I couldn't help smiling. Everything was just blissful. Pity I hadn't met him three years earlier. Would have saved me all the trouble of Brad. Ugh, I didn't want to think about him. I'd happily forgotten about him being around Sam.

Petra resumed to work leaving me to my own devices. I opened up the computer and typed into the search bar for jobs. I couldn't work here forever. This was Sam's thing. I needed to find my own. What did I want to do? Most of my jobs consisted of being a temp P.A. Which I actually quite enjoyed doing. I searched for PA jobs in Lithgow, A few turned up, but not many. I noted them down. I'd have to work on my resume in the coming days.

"Ready to go?" I hung up the last of the harness up and shut the door as Sam got some papers together from his desk.

"Ready. Where are we going?"

"You'll find out soon enough." Petra had left earlier in the afternoon for her other job. It was much easier to enjoy Sam's company when she wasn't around I prodded Sam in the ribs.

"Tell me." I whined. I really hated surprises.

"No." he laughed. The change in him over the two weeks had been noticeable. He seemed vibrant, his face and body showed life. He pulled me in for another kiss. I loved them. Simply couldn't get enough.

"Come on trouble. We can go now."

"I haven't gotten into any trouble for a while now." I pointed out.

"That's because I've been keeping you out of it." I stuck my tongue out at him.

Sam grabbed my tongue before I could stop him. I giggled as he let it go, placing a kiss on my head. How was it possible to feel so happy here with him? I might have been happy with brad in the early days, but it was nothing like this.

"You missed the turn off." I pointed out to Sam. He just smirked at me.

"We're not going back to the cabin?"

"Not tonight."

"Don't I need some clothes or something?" I looked down at my outfit feeling a little self conscious. Was What I was wearing ok for whatever Sam had planned?

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now