Chapter Fourteen

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"Ow..." I whimpered. "Brad, my head hurts." reaching my hands up to the pain in my head. Light flooded my closed eyes, everything was too bright.

"I know honey, Don't worry, I'm sorry. It will be okay." I relaxed slightly. Brad was here. The whole thing was just one big nightmare. There was a droning noising from somewhere, that hadn't seemed to have left my nightmare. I wished it would shut up.

"Baby, turn that horrible sound off." The noise got louder. "Brad?" Reality crashed back down quickly, My head jerked up from the steering wheel, the droning noise stopped. Every part of me started to hurt. I opened my eyes. the harsh light was coming from the car's front beams reflecting the tree in front of me. I quickly recalled the final moments before I ended up here. There was a kangaroo on the road, I had followed it unwillingly down the embankment. my heart stuttered. I must have hit him! It all happened so fast I couldn't stop in time. I gasped and began to cry. there was too much crying happening today. I could now add the car to the long list of things I lost today. I flexed my arms and legs. nothing felt broken, just sore from the impact. grateful I wasn't dead, I pushed open the car door and fell onto the dark bush floor. "Ow.." I groaned. Too much movement too soon. I needed to see if the kangaroo was okay. I most definitely hit it. I felt something impact the car as I went down the gully. I pushed myself back up with the help of my car door, guiding myself to the front of the car, I braced for the gruesome discovery. holding back the tears, I looked over the bonnet, there was no body there, I got down on my feet and looked under the car. Nothing. Confused I tried to get a bearing on my surroundings. I looked at path the car travelled down off the road and down the gully. letting my eyes adjusts to the darkness, I saw the kangaroo at the top of the gully. I rushed to scramble up to the top of the gully, while part of me screamed to let this go, I was fuming at the stupid creature that just ran me off the road. calling out to the kangaroo. The closer I got to his place, the further away he seemed to get. "I don't have time for this!" I yelled at the kangaroo. "Stop bloody moving!" As I reached the top of the gully, I met the road. The kangaroo had vanished. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. I saw the kangaroo standing on the other side of the road, munching away on something, unfazed by what had happened. I let out a small cry. The stupid animal was fine from where I was standing. I needed to call Brad. Then I remember. We'd broken up. I couldn't call him. Though, I wouldn't mind making him feel bad for what just happened. I shook the thought out of my head. Now was not the time to be planning revenge. I reached over for my phone on the floor of the passenger seat. I was going to call him regardless. He deserved to feel bad. This was all his doing.

I jabbed the silver button on top of the phone, nothing happened. Flat battery. Great. I threw the phone into the darkness of the bush and listened to it fall onto the dry leaves. I groaned. the night just kept getting worse. I wanted to curl up into a ball and let misery have me. The time on the dashboard told me it was nearly four in the morning. how did I lose three hours between the drive up and coming down here? I wasn't out that long surely? 

I stepped into my car fully, closing the door, I needed to get a handle on the situation. Every part of me screamed in protest as I checked over for any injuries again Considering I hit nothing, I was lucky to still have everything working. I'd have to wait in my car until the sun came up and then try flag someone down for a ride back to town. getting settled back in my seat, I began to feel nauseous from the smell coming out of the bonnet. I shouldn't be surprised if the engine took a beating coming down this gully. I had to get out of the car. the smell began to get to me too much. I stumbled out quickly and moved away from the car and into the arms of fresh air.

I felt bad throwing out my phone now. It had been a gift from Brad. I wasn't ready to let go it of it yet. Before I knew it, I was walking around the bush trying to hunt it down.

"Where are you?" I was in near hysterics. I hadn't known until now, how important that phone was to me. How could I have been so stupid to throw it off in the dark like that?

A twig snapped. I shot up from my crawling around the bush floor.

"who's out there?" I called out. feeling stupid, It was highly unlikely there would be anyone else out here with me at this hour. I was an idoit. You don't call out when you're alone, you alert your predators doing that. I should have kept my mouth shut. Good one Kate!

Something snorted near me. I froze. I felt something come up and brush the side of my leg, I screamed and turned to run back to the car.

Where was that damn car? I couldn't see the glow from the headlights anymore. Had I wandered off too far from the car? I hoped the battery hadn't died, When had I last replaced that battery? It wasn't long ago, I was sure of it!  I glanced around the bush frantically trying to find the lights. I couldn't see anything but the outline of the trees against the moonlight. Maybe it had been a while after all. I crossed my arms nervously and whimpered.

I was lost.  

                                                * * *

The morning sun had now filtered through the trees, In my stupidity of trying to find a phone in the dark, I had wandered further away from the car than I expected and hadn't found the car or phone after taking a moment to get my bearings. I was sure I was travelling in a straight line before, so I tried to retrace my steps. As the sun lit the bush, I could see nothing but more trees. I couldn't even see the road. I sat down and rested against a tree. closing my eyes I let me myself I wish I never had.

I wish I never went on this stupid holiday.

I wish I never met Ginny.

I wish I never went out with Brad.

I wish I knew what I wanted to do.

I wish I hadn't lost my job.

I wish I hadn't given up my apartment.

Most of all, I wish I had someone who cared.

I sat up and started to walk around again. Feeing frustrated I went up to the nearest tree I proceeded to kick the bark off it, fighting back the tears. I couldn't afford to lose my cool completely. Just a little. Maybe getting lost in the bush was the best thing that could happen to me now. I could just go completely hermit like the 'possum man' only I'd be the 'witch lady' or something. My clothes were certainly fitting for the part. They had gotten dirty and torn as I had stumbled through the dark, hitting everything along the way. I had nothing waiting for me at home. I was tired, my head hurt. I rubbed my head where it throbbed, hoping to ease the pain in the process. I looked out into the bush around me. there didn't seem to be anything threatening around, So I decided a couple of hours sleep wouldn't go astray. sliding down to the base of the tree I closed my eyes I started to drift off to sleep almost immediately.

"Good morning!"

I jolted awake. I looked around the tree, I couldn't see where that voice came from, it almost sounded as if it was being shouted right next to me. I looked around the tree trying to find the source.

"Follow me please!" follow you where? I got up and started to wander towards where I thought I had heard the voice.

"Quiet please! Listen carefully!" the hub of voices died down. I started to freak out. What if I couldn't find these voices? They were my way back to civilisation. God, I was kidding myself when I thought I could become a witch lady. I wanted to go home, to clean clothes and back to my comfortable bed. Two seconds on the hard ground was horrible.

"Thank you! Now.." I ran towards the voice in relief. It was some woman on a megaphone, I slowed down as the instructions the voice started to roll off loudly.

"Please make sure your harness is on you securely. We'll have someone come over and check this in a minute. Remember to always clip in your buckle in opposite directions as you see here..." I assumed she was now showing the group what she meant.

The trees in the bush changed suddenly. they were no longer of different assortments, but rather a cluster of the same type. I looked around, the trees were tall and slender, and seemly spaced out. I looked up, there were bits of rope tied between several trees, and planks of wood, like a broken jungle bridge between some trees. I could hear shouting, but I couldn't make out the words, It was getting closer. I turned around to the shouting. My eyes widened. There was someone falling from the sky at an alarming speed. And if I didn't move in time, The falling man was going to hit me.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now