Chapter Sixteen

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Stepping out of the bathroom, I felt cleaner than before. My war wounds didn't look as bad anymore. most of it was covered up by the long sleeved tartan button up shirt I was loaned along with butt short pants. Those would need to be rectified soon as I could get to town. they were really uncomfortable and felt very much like I was getting a constant wedgie. Slightly small on the side, But they'd do for tonight.

I began to towel dry my hair as I went to find Petra. The hallway from the bathroom quickly lead out to the living room and kitchen. the place was filled with older style furniture and a tartan blanket hung over the fraying lounge. If I hadn't met Sam earlier I would have thought he must have been a really old man who didn't believe in IKEA. The smell of coffee hit me before I saw Petra filling the mugs up. I practically levitated towards her. "Sit down, I'll bring the drinks over." reluctantly, I made my way to the lounge and sat down gingerly. I was afraid I'd break something so old. it creaked, I held my breath, waiting for it to fall apart. I really couldn't afford to pay for new furniture when I needed some myself. but it took my weight. Petra handed over the mug, and sat hers on the side table as she flopped heavily for someone so light onto the armchair and picked up her coffee taking a sip. I was sure it wasn't poisoned, she wouldn't have drank hers otherwise would she? Although I didn't watch the coffee being made. I rolled my eyes at myself. There I was going again, being over dramatic.

I quickly pressed it to my lips, inhaling the scent. Petra was right, I hadn't even tasted it and already smelt like heaven on earth.

"What happened, Kate?"

Her question startled me. I wasn't ready prepared to talk about it. Guilt filled my stomach. I read too much into the weekend away. That I was wrong, he wasn't going to propose. I blindly believed that what Brad and I had was enough to  overcome anything, In short, I was a fool.

"He left me for my best friend." There I said it. like a band aid, I said it out loud. and it didn't hurt. But it didn't feel real either. Petra gasped. "That bastard!" i nodded, I felt better having her on my side. the guilt eased.

"How'd you get the bruises?" she asked.

"Run in with a participant at the park." I paused  watching her face as she she put the pieces together. "I am afraid I am to blame for your boss's foul mood."

"Meh, its good to rile him up." she shrugged. I didn't know what to say to that. so I moved the topic  to Brad. "I'm pretty sure this trip away was just a ruse to get me out of the house. He didn't even have the guts to tell me in my face it was over. He left me here, all alone, without a job or a place to stay. I gave up my apartment for him!" my voice raised. I paused to catch my breath. i steadied myself and continued, "He could have least given me the decency to stay at our house while he stayed up her house and sort out new arrangements.

That bastard." I huffed out. Now I had assassinated his character, I was feeling much better.

I sipped my coffee, Petra said nothing, i was afraid to look. if she didn't think i was crazy before, there was no doubt she inching her self slowly toward her phone.

She slapped her thigh loudly and exclaimed. "I've got it!" i looked up at her alarmed. "it's perfect, I'm pretty sure it was destined to be." I looked at her confused, wondering if she was actually the crazy one and not me. she had the biggest grin on her face.

"Um, what is it?" I asked cautiously.

"You can stay here with me and Sam. He won't mind at all, we've been looking for another house mate for a while, but its not easy to get people to want to live so far out in the bush."

I vehemently disliked the idea. Was she out of her mind? I looked at her. Yes, she was very much out of her mind.

"Um, Petra.."

"Call me Peet"

"Right, Peet, Have you forgotten your boss hates me? I mean, we didn't exactly bond."

she waved her hand in the air disagreeing with comment. "Don't worry about Sam. He jut has a bad day. When I explain everything, he will forget the past."

I thought for a moment. Maybe Sam was as forgiving as she made him out to be. I'd have a place to stay until I could figure something out.

"What about the rent? I don't have a job, I need to find one." and a car I thought. How on earth was I going to find my car now, I had no idea where I was.

"Sorted." Petra smiled, "we just happen to be looking for someone to help us run the tree park.

I nearly spat out my coffee, "What? no, I don't like trees." and people fall out of them.

"What? what's wrong with trees?"

"They're tall, and shed leaves like mad." and climbing trees. isn't that a bit of a death wish? I supposed some people got a thrill out of acting like primitive creatures.

"Thats what trees do. and its more of a body strengthening activity than a thrill seeking activity."

"I don't think I'll be a very good worker there." 

"Stop making excuses Kate. It's a easy job, you'll love it."

"Maybe." I replied softly. I was also worried about falling out of the trees. No mount of safety gear could assure me that I was safe. However, Mr Hobo was on top of my worries surpassing falling out of trees. To work with him could be a nightmare. But a job and a place to stay was falling on my lap, It would mean i didn't need to worry about anything straight away.

"Don't worry, it's pretty safe, we'll start you off with running the kiosk until you're ready for the trees." I liked that idea. feet firmly planted on the ground. Running a shop, I could do. i nodded.

"Thank you, You have no idea how much of a favour you're doing me."

"Yay! Come on, i'll show you your room." she grabbed my hand excited, and pulled me up a set of stairs down the hallway pass the bathroom. "My bedroom is down here next to the bathroom," she pointed out, I barely got a look in before she pulled me up the stairs. "This is Sam's room, she waved over to a room opposite to the door I was standing in front of, I barely got a glance in before being pulled over to another room. "And this will be your room. "There's only one bathroom here, that's downstairs." she pulled a face and added, "its not that bad, We have a rostered system for bathrooms in the mornings, long as you stick to that there won't be any problems." i peered into my room, a patchwork quilt laid on top the bed meant for two, a pine wardrobe to the corner and a large window overlooked the garden. the walls were all  red wood, much like the rest of the house i'd seen so far. "I need to get back to work, i'm running late as it is for the cave tours. catch you later. " she gave a quick kiss on the hug followed by a hug and skipped off lightly down the stairs.

i made my way over the to bed and collapsed on the top. Today just felt so surreal. I knew If there was a higher power, they were giving a second chance. I just wasted three years with a cheater. If I went back to the city, The chances of running into either of them was high. At least out here, I didn't have to worry. Maybe living in the bush wouldn't be so bad after all.

No more being indecisive, no more flitting from job to job. and lastly, no more boyfriends. Zilch. Not like I'd find one out here anyway. I was in the middle of nowhere. I made a mental note to ask Petra just where was "in the middle of nowhere." I needed to work out where my car was so I got get my clothes out. and my make up. I felt so naked without it.

I wondered if Petra would mind me borrowing her clothes for a few days until then. Exhaustion overwhelmed me, after spending a night out in the open, dirty and dusty bush, lying on this bed felt like heaven. I could worry about everything after a snooze. I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The Unnecessarily Complicated Love Life Of Kate Morrison. [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now