Chapter 5

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He watched Anna walk out.

He wasn't sure why he had behaved that way. Maybe it was just to draw Anna out of her shell.

When Mara and Anna had first walked over, she had looked meek and fragile. He had wanted to see her be bold again. She hadn't disappointed him.

He found himself moving toward the door.

He needed to know more about this woman. She was intriguing.

He spotted her outside next to a vehicle.

"Hey, Anna, wait up," Derek exclaimed.
He waved his hand above his head so she would see him.

Anna had a stunned expression on her face.

He took advantage of her momentary lapse to jog over to her before she could leave.

When Derek was standing in front of her, she seemed to remember that she was mad.

"Great, it's you again." Anna said.

"Not happy to see me?" Derek grinned.

"Do I look happy?"

"No, not really."

She wasn't sure what to say, so she didn't say anything.

After an awkward silence, Derek cleared his throat and said, "Look, I'm not a bad guy. I thought maybe we could hang out sometime."

"What? Why would I hang out with you after the way you've treated me?"

"Because I'm fun, and you look like you could use some."

"I'll pass." She turned to get into her car, but he reached out to touch her arm, and she paused.

"Truth is, I think you are interesting, and I would like to get to know you. I think we could be friends. What do you say?"

She searched his face for sincerity. She found no deception in his features. He seemed to be genuine in his plea for her friendship.

She really wanted to believe that a man that looked like him would really be interested in her, even if his bedside manner was lacking.

"Why should I trust you," Anna asked.

"What do you have to lose? How about you give me your phone number, and when I call, you can either tell me to go to hell or say yes. Deal?"

"Ok, I guess I can do that."

"Just promise to really think about it first."

"I suppose." Anna was the one grinning now.

She rattled off her digits while he entered them into his phone.

"Can I go now," Anna asked.

"By all means." He stepped away from the car and turned to go back inside.

He looked over his shoulder for a brief instant to see her drive away.

He didn't know why he had insisted on Anna seeing him again. She wasn't any great beauty, and he hardly knew her.

He could still see the fire in Anna's eyes when she had called him an asshole. No one in his world would dare to call him anything other than sir.

She delighted him.

He must be some kind of twisted, he thought to himself.

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