Chapter 17

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Dedicated to:


Anna woke to sunlight peeking through the blinds. She brought her hand up to block it from her eyes.

Anna noticed the colour of the walls. They were white. The walls in her apartment were blue.

Where am I?

"Good morning, beautiful," Derek said.

Once her heart was done flipping from his use of the word beautiful, the memories from last night flooded her mind. The movie, Derek's quiet breathing from his end of the couch, and her nervousness over being so close to a man.

"What happened?" Anna asked.

"You fell asleep. By the way, do you know you snore?"

"Shut up," Anna shrieked.

She picked up one of his couch pillows and threw it at him.

Derek's laugh rumbled through the living room. He put up his hands to protect himself.

"I surrender. You win," Derek said. "If you're done, would you like some breakfast?"

"I should probably go," Anna replied.

"No, yeah, you probably have better things to do."

Is it my imagination, or does he look disappointed?

"It's not that," Anna said.

"Then what is it?"

"I am just not sure how this whole friend thing works."

Derek ran his hand over the back of his neck. He looked embarrassed.

"Yeah, neither do I," Derek said.

"You don't?" Anna asked.

"You seem surprised."

"To be honest, I am."

"Well, since we both are clueless, we can figure it out together. What do you think?"

"I think that's a great idea."

A slow smile spread across Anna's face.

"So I have bacon and eggs cooked up. Sound good to you?" Derek asked.

"That sounds delicious. I'm starving."

Anna watched him move around his kitchen with ease.

"Do you cook often?" Anna asked.

"You could say that."

Why the vague answer?

He put the food on her plate, and his, before setting them on the table.

"Dig in," Derek said.

They both ate in relative silence, and Anna could feel her anxiety level rising.

When they were both finished, Anna stood.

"Thank you for breakfast, but I should really get going," Anna said.

Derek stood, too, and put his hands in his pockets.

"Would you meet me tomorrow at the beach? I'd like to show you something." Derek said.

Anna tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked down at the floor.

"Yeah, sure," Anna said. "Do you want to just come to my place and then we can go from there?"

"Yeah, that works." Derek answered.

"What time should I expect you?"

"Ten o'clock sound alright?"

"Alright, I'll be ready."

"Oh, I forgot," Anna exclaimed. "Mara dropped me off last night so I need a ride home."

"Not a problem. I'll go get my keys."


"Here we are." Derek said.

"Well, thanks for letting me stay over."


Anna narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

Derek laughed. "I don't mean it like THAT."

"I'll see you tomorrow, then," Anna said.

"Yep, tomorrow."

He looks as awkward as I feel. Tomorrow should be interesting.

"Bye," Anna said.

Anna didn't wait to watch him drive away.

Once she was in the house, she put her back to the front door, and slid down to the floor.

I'm in way over my head here.

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