Chapter 19

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It was a gorgeous day. The sun reflected off the water, and the sky was clear. The salty breeze from the waves felt refreshing.

They walked down the beach to a small log where they could sit. It was a secluded spot and felt intimate to Derek.

"So , Derek, what did you want to show me," Anna asked.

"Wow, you just jump right in there, don't you?"

He watched her hide behind the strand of hair that had been tucked behind her ear only a moment ago. He hadn't meant to embarrass her.

"I never have been subtle, I guess," Anna said.

"Yeah, I guess I'm not, either," Derek conceded.

He pulled a small book from his pocket. It had many pages in it, though.

"My mother was also a writer like you. She never had anything published, but she would write for herself because it made her happy," Derek said.

"I found this after she died. It was her personal journal, and I'd like for you to have it. My mom would love to know her ideas were written on paper."

Anna looked down at the ground. She didn't say anything for several seconds before turning her attention back to him.

"You don't even know if I'm any good at what I do. It's too much, Derek. You don't even know me," Anna said.

"I know you are a good person, Anna. I haven't known you long, but I think I'm a pretty good judge of character. And besides, we are friends now, remember? I wouldn't be friends with just anyone."

He handed the journal over to Anna. When she looked up from it, Derek saw the intense emotion in her eyes. He couldn't name it, but he felt it.

What's she thinking?

"So, uh, I hope you can use it," Derek said.

Anna smiled.

"Thank you, Derek. This means a lot to me."

Am I blushing right now?

"Don't mention it," Derek said.

They sat in silence for several minutes. It wasn't an awkward silence, but something had changed between them.

Should I have given her the journal? I don't want her to think this means more than it really is.

"Should we head back," Derek asked.

"Alright," Anna answered.

He let her lead the way, so he could have a moment to himself.

Why did I give her the journal?

Derek didn't know the answer to that question; however, he did know he wanted her to have it.

I'd do it again just to see that look on her face.

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