Chapter 9

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

Derek was annoyed. Derek was enjoying Anna's company. He didn't want anything to interrupt that.

He slipped off the couch to walk towards Anna's kitchen, so he could let Anna watch the movie, uninterrupted.

"Yeah?" Derek barked out.

"Whoa, Derek, don't bite my head off." Jim said.

"Oh, it's you."

"Yeah, don't sound so friggin' excited, Derek."

"Sorry, man. You just called at a bad time."

He had been enjoying himself with Anna. There was something about her. He wanted her friendship. He wanted her respect. It didn't make sense to Derek. He didn't even know her.

"Well, you aren't going to like what I called to say."

"What now?"

As of late, all news had been bad news.

"The lovely Becca wants more money."


Anger and disgust hit Derek's stomach. He wanted to throw something. Did that bitch really think she could have anything of mine? She had already stepped on my heart. Wasn't that enough?

He heard Anna turn to look at him. He tried to stay calm, but it was hard to keep a relaxed demeanor.

"What do you mean MORE money?" Derek whispered, furious.

"Don't shoot the messenger here, Derek. You wanted me to keep you informed."

"I know, I know. Alright, well let me know what Larry says, Jim."

Larry was Derek's lawyer, and a good one. If anyone could fix this mess it would be him.

"Sure thing, Derek. Talk at ya later."

Derek bowed his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. Becca had been a mistake. If Derek hadn't known it before, he did now.

"Everything alright?" Anna asked.

Her quiet, calm voice sliced through him.

"Yeah, fine." Derek lied.

"Actually, I just remember this thing I need to go and do," Derek said.

He needed to get away for a bit. He couldn't stay and pretend nothing was wrong. He had a feeling Anna would see right through his charade.


Anna looked confused by his sudden retreat.

"Rain check?" Derek asked.

He really did want to see her again. She was like a balm to his tattered heart right now.

"No, I don't think so."

Anna didn't meet his eyes as she delivered her answer.


Derek was the confused one now. Why would she turn him down? But maybe it was for the best. He didn't even know her, and he didn't want any attachments right now. Derek had thought he'd known Becca and look at how that turned out.

"I just don't think seeing you is a good idea."

If that was the truth, then why wouldn't she look at him? It didn't matter, anyway.

"It is pretty obvious we are just too different," Anna said.

"Yeah, I dont think it's obvious at all. I think you're right, though. I have enough problems as it is."

"Great, then we agree."

So why did she look so forlorn? Women were so frustrating!

"Great. Well, I'll be going then," Derek said.

He wished he had never received that phone call. Maybe things would have been different. They could have at least been friends.

"Great," Anna whispered.

Anna walked him to the door. Derek looked as though he wanted to say more, but he didn't. He turned and left.

Had Anna heard him right? Did Derek say she was a potential problem?

That hurt. Bad.

And what had that call been about? The red flush of his cheeks had shown he was angry about something. Anna didn't believe for one second that he had something else to do, either. Derek had been relaxed and at home before that phone call. He was a little too at home for her comfort.

Anna knew she should not have gotten involved with a guy who was as handsome as he was. He was a rude, selfish caveman. He wasn't even her type. If she had a type, that is.

Truth is, she was scared. He wasn't THAT bad of a guy. She wasn't sure her heart could survive a guy like him.

It was for the best that she not see him again. Wasn't it?

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