Chapter 11

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A few days had gone by and Anna hadn't gotten any work done. She had complete writer's block.

Anna leaned over her desk with her head in her hands. She was almost certain she knew the reason, too. Derek.

Anna shouldn't care that she told him she didn't want to see him. She didn't like him as a person. She didn't want him for a friend. So why this guilty feeling then?

"Alright, enough work for one day," Anna said.

She decided to walk to the coffee shop before taking a walk on the beach. It was a cool afternoon, so she put one of her bulky sweaters on to keep the chill away.


"Thanks for the coffee, Johnny," Anna said.

"Not a problem. Enjoy!"

Anna had known Johnny since they were in preschool. He was a nice enough guy, but only for passing conversation. He was more an acquaintance than a friend.

She turned to leave, but didn't take two steps before seeing Derek.

He was sitting alone at one of the shop tables. His brow was furrowed and he looked tense. His thoughts must have been running deep, because he didn't appear to see anything before his eyes.

Anna almost slipped past him to continue on her way, but she regretted how she had behaved the other day. She should not have been so rude when he had been nice enough to bring her breakfast.

Anna walked up to his table and cleared her throat to get his attention. When that didn't work, she decided to tap him on the shoulder.

Derek jerked away in surprise, but then his eyes cleared and he zeroed in on her face.

"Oh, hi. What are you doing here?" Derek asked.

"Same thing as you, I imagine."

Anna pointed towards his coffee.

"Mouthy as ever, aren't you?"

Derek's scowl surprised her. He looked like he had a bad taste in his mouth.

"I beg your pardon?" Anna asked.

"Beg all you want, sweetheart, but I don't think it will get you anywhere."

"Look, I was just trying to be nice. I felt bad for how I acted towards you the other day, but now I'm wondering if maybe you deserved it."

"Well, that is the worst apology I have ever heard."

That laugh again.

"But apology accepted," Derek said.

"Ugh, you are insufferable."

"Glad you noticed, sweetheart."

"Would you please stop calling me sweetheart?"

"Why? Does brat work better?"

The corners of Derek's mouth lifted. Anna could see a small dimple on the right side.

"I think you know the answer to that," Anna said.

Derek blew out a breath. For a moment, he looked like a man with a heavy burden. It pulled at Anna's soft side, but she couldn't be ridiculous. This man wouldn't care for her observations.

"Would you like to join me?" Derek asked.

"I only came to apologize. I don't want to interrupt."

"Interrupt what?"

Derek looked amused.

"Good point," Anna said.

"Take a seat. I'd like some company."

"Well, I had actually planned on taking a walk."

Was it Anna's imagination or did he look disappointed?

"You could come with me," Anna offered.

Ugh, why don't you think before you speak, Anna? He probably has other plans.

"Sure, where to?" Derek asked.

"Just up the beach," Anna answered.

"Alright, let's get goin', brat,"

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