Chapter 25

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Mara stopped the car next to where Anna stood on the sidewalk.

Anna felt sharp relief when she was safely in her best friend's car.

"It's time for me to kick his ass, isn't it?" Her voice soft, but you could hear the anger beneath the words.

"Let's just go. I don't want to see him again."

Mara looked concerned, but for once, she listened. Anna was grateful for Mara's silence. It gave Anna time to grieve the loss of a man she thought had real interest in her. It had all been a lie.

That was what hurt Anna most.

After Mara parked, she turned toward the passenger seat, and Anna knew she was going to start with her questions. Anna wasn't going to give her the chance.

Anna slid out of the car, and ran up the stairs to her front door. But if she thought Mara would drop the subject, she was wrong.

Once Anna was inside the house, Mara followed right behind her.

"What happened, Anna? Did he do something to hurt you?"

"Not in the way you think,"

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Mara sounded frustrated by Anna's vague answers.

"He has a wife, okay? Is that enough information for you?"

"He WHAT? That son of a bitch."

"I am just as surprised as you are."

"How did you find this out? Did he tell you?"

"No, if he had, I might not have been so upset. He asked me to check his phone, and I saw the name Becca on it. I asked who she was, and he said they were separated and getting a divorce."

"And you don't believe him?"

"I want to, but how can I? He never mentioned it, and he had plenty of opportunities."

"That's true. Then why are you upset?"

"Are you seriously asking me that right now. You know I liked him, Mara. Of course I'm upset."

"Look, as much as I dislike him, I'm going to defend the jerk."

Anna's jaw dropped. When did Mara switch loyalties?

"He wouldn't have let you near his phone if he was hiding something, Anna. Trust me. If anyone knows what cheating men are like, it's me. Besides, anyone can tell he's crazy about you, Anna. The signs are all there."

"Have you gone insane? What signs?"

"Well, he has made it pretty clear, if you think about it. He has pursued you from day one. And what guy puts up with a girl who fights him every step of the way? He even gave you his mother's journal. Do you think men do that every day?"

Mara is right. I just made a huge mistake. I didn't stop to think before walking out on him. He must hate me for doubting him. I didn't even give him a chance to explain.

Anna plopped down on the couch. She covered her face with her hands and called herself a fool.

Anna wasn't sure when Mara sat down beside her, but at some point she felt her presence. She laid her head on Mara's shoulder.

"Mara, what have I done?"

"Relax, honey. He'll forgive you."

"Thank you, Mara. I don't know what I would do without you."

"Probably become a hermit."

A tearful laugh escaped Anna. Only Mara could make a joke at a time like this.

"I'll call him tomorrow," Anna said.

"No, you'll call him now before you lose your nerve."

Mara was right. Anna would run scared if she didn't get it over with.

Anna groaned, but got up to get her phone.

Anna took a deep breath before she pressed the call button.

Please, forgive me for not trusting you.

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