Chapter 17

51 15 40

1 month later

Keisha's P.o.v

These days, I've been really relaxed. I don't know if it's because I'm in my second trimester, but I feel so good. I just hit 14 weeks, which makes me officially in my 2nd trimester, so my baby is growing fast. I actually had some time to think about some baby names, and I came across these names for now.

There is:

Christian aka Chris😘—>Boy

Faith aka Fay💘—>Girl

Madison aka Maddie 😍—>Girl

Jasmania aka Jas 😇—>Girl

Xavier aka JayJay 😚—>Boy, and JayJay because that's such a cute name, and plus there's no X nicknames

Ashton aka AshyBaby😜—>Boy

Hayvan aka Heaven😱😻—>Girl

Nicky aka NickyBoo😫👌—>Boy 💪or Girl 💋

Johnson aka JoJo👀—>Boy

Jayden or Jaidan aka Jay—>Boy

Ashley aka AshyMamas👄—>Girl

Alexander aka Zander 🍭—>Boy

That's just a few, but I really like the nicknames versions of those names that I made up. I wrote a list and showed Bryan, but he was too busy talking to Jolene. I'm kinda jealous because he's always talking to her these days or hanging out with her. I feel like he'll forget about me soon and he won't protect me anymore or be there for me because he'll be too busy with Jolene.

"Yeah, sure we can go to a movie later on...Nah, I ain't busy...Neh, Keisha ight with it, right Keisha mamas?" Bryan asked me, while on the phone with Jolene.

"Go fuck yourself!" I shot at him before standing up from the floor and walking into the room.

"Wait hold on, Jolene...Keisha! Wait!" I heard Bryan call out to me as I was going to my room. When he got there, I started to search the internet for some baby stuff with my phone.

"I'm sorry for ignoring you when you showed me the list, but I'm on the phone. It's rude to interrupt, you know bette—"

"Then go back to your conversation and leave me the fuck alone!" I yelled before getting up from the bed and putting my jacket on. "I'm going for a walk, don't follow me!" I continued, causing him to sigh and leave my room. Tears slowly slid from my eyes as I realized that he wasn't even planning on following me in the first place to make sure that I'm safe. He's with the person that he really loves and cares about and that's my sister.


After I came back from my walk, I was sitting down on the livingroom couch and watching TeenMom. I know, ironic right? Not much, though, since I chose to watch this for some advice. They have sort of a shitty life, but at the same time their kid makes it all worth it. I hope the same happens for me. Right now, Bryan is not even home, so that concludes that. I don't really care anymore, so I'm pretty much over it.

There was suddenly a knock on the door, so I checked the seeker hole and saw Oliver. I sighed and opened it because at this point I don't care.

"Hi, angel." He told me with a cunning smirk.

"Hi." I simply said blandly before letting him in. It's not like anyone is going to come to my rescue, so what's the point of trying.

"What are you watching?...TeenMom? I don't think that you are the type to be interested in that bullshit." He told me before sitting on the couch. You don't know me, fool!

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