Chapter 25

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Keisha's P.o.v

After whatever the fuck went down yesterday, I couldn't recover. I almost witnessed a death and Hayvan saw her dad knocked out and bloody. Eventually I had to call the ambulance before Oliver died from his wounds, especially the gun wound. I would've just let him die, but I just couldn't, especially living with the memory of witnessing a death and not doing anything about it.

I got a text message from Jolene—once I looked at my phone—and saw, "Oliver's finally home, but he didn't say anything since." Yeah, there's no surprise that a nigga is fucked over from what happened yesterday both mentally and physically.

~~~~~~~~~2 months later

I agreed, along with Bryan, to get Hayvan a babysitter, but I'm very protective with my little girl—especially since her life will be on the line once Oliver finds out about her one way or another. We had a whole bunch of teenagers and women who interviewed to be Hayvan's babysitter through Miracle—who sent the people so that we didn't need to hand out fliers and stuff and cause Oliver to find out.

"Casidy Ryans." Bryan read out to me as we finally came to a conclusion of who we chose after the interviewing. Everyone who came, came because they saw Hayvan's photo and instantly got obsessed with her. "Yup?" I replied before stacking her papers she gave us before she left just like everyone else.

"Sound good to me, how about you, mommy?" He asked me, so I nodded and replied, "Sound perfect. Also, that annoying ass girl who always had questions is a total b-i-t-c-h! She was really throwing shade at me for having a kid at my age when she don't know what the fuck happened to me!"

Flashback to 4 hours ago

After Brenda left, I realized that the people who are interviewing to see my baby girl are all crazy ass bitches who are most likely going to kidnap kids later on in life. Like they can't get enough of Hayvan, and when Hayvan bursted into cries, one of them raced to get to her, tripping on her foot and causing Hayvan to cry louder.

"Hello, my name is Felicia! Nice to meet 'cha!" A perky light brown girl, about 17 years old, said cheerfully running into our apartment once Brenda left. Uh...

I looked over at Bryan who had his head lied on the dining table, cracking up silently at this girl. She came towards me and shook my hand. "You must be Hayvan's...sister, right?" She asked me with the biggest and brightest smile. I widened my mouth and looked at Bryan who stopped laughing instantly and looked at me with a, Keisha calm down now and don't kill this girl, look.

I took a deep breath and forced a smile. "No, I'm actually her mama." I clarified, watching as her face changed from 100 to 0 real quick because this bitch was already at 100 once she came here.

"Oh shit! Sorry! But...aren't you too young to be a mom...oh! That's why you need a babysitter! To play mommy for you!" She said, still having that big smile on her face. So this bitch is the type of bitch to say the first shits that pop into her mind, right?

I instantly stood up, getting ready to jump at this bitch, but Bryan grabbed my arm and looked at me with a, you better not do shit, glare. I sighed and huffed before sitting down, looking away from the girl and at Hayvan who was sleeping—snoring very lightly.

"So...I see that you must be—Felicia Richardson as your papers say." Bryan said, but I couldn't care about this bitch because I could already tell that she ain't gonna take care of my baby girl!

"Yup, that's me!" She squealed with excitement like she was proud of her stupid ass—say what the fuck is on my mind—personality!

Bryan said with a shaky voice, "Uh...I see that you have had experience with—"

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