Chapter 1 - My Name Is Alexander Hamilton

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Classes had only been in session for about four days. Lafayette shared three classes with his friend John Laurens and it was already made very clear that John had a crush. There was a boy who sat near the front of each class. He seemed to be writing note for the entire class and when he wasn't he was making clever points about the lesson. Lafayette noticed how John always seems to be intrigued by the words of this boy.

Lafayette was absolutely right. John Laurens has the biggest crush on this boy. He didn't even know his name. He did know that this kid was smart and cute. Laurens was determined to talk to this boy before the winter break which was just four months away. At the very least his name would be known before the year ended. Laurens wasn't typically the one to rush in and tell someone they were quite attractive. More often than not, the boy would turn out to be straight. Laurens didn't want that kind of heartbreak with this one, not yet at least.

Laurens managed to pull his gaze away from the man sitting across the room only to see the wide grin plastered on Lafayette's face. John almost didn't want to know. "What is it?"

"Let me help. I am, how you say, quite the matchmaker."

"Laf, no." Laurens did not need his friend's help even if Lafayette was known for setting up people. This couldn't be anything. He would not let his friend set him up with a total stranger, it would just be too awkward. "Besides, it's nothing. Forget it."

"Laurens, I can see it in your eyes. You, mon ami, want a boy." Laurens just shook his head at his friend and went back to scribbling some notes after sneaking a quick glance at the boy.


Laurens had finally made it back to his dorm after finally getting Lafayette to promise not to do anything. However, he found the half of his room that was usually occupied by Charles Lee to be empty. There was a note on Laurens' desk that explained everything in vague detail. Essentially, Lee didn't like Laurens or his turtle so he switched roommate's with Aaron Burr . Laurens new roommate would be here soon. He wasn't sure who had been rooming with Burr but it couldn't be worse than Lee. All he did everyday was complain about every other student. That sort of negativity upset Laurens little turtle, he couldn't have that. He did a quick tidy of the room before the knock on the door got his attention. He did his best to keep a calm expression as he opened the door.

"Hi, I'm not sure if this is where I'm supposed to be right now. Apparently, our roommate's switched and I believe this is the correct room," the boy continued to ramble for a few more minutes before John stopped him.

"This is it," he tried to hide his blush as he let the boy in. It was him. Shit. Lauren desperate attempts not to be flustered only made him twice as flustered. He didn't want to make a bad first impression.

The man set his suitcase on the bed and turned to face Laurens. He was shorter but nothing extreme, he was also much prettier up close. "My name is Alexander Hamilton, your new roommate."

John actually took a moment to think of his response. "I'm John Laurens."


"I swear, if you had anything to do with this," John shot an empty threat at Lafayette as they walked to meet Hercules for dinner.

"Non, non, how could I have done anything. They got to it before I had the chance," he chuckled as he pushed open the door to the small cafe.

Hercules was already sitting in their usual spot and greeted Lafayette with a quick kiss as they sat down. The two had been together for quite some time, it never bothered John too much. The only times he felt lonely were around the holidays or when there had been a school dance of some sort. He was just happy that his friends were happy.

As the three men sipped at their coffees and talked about the events of the previous day. Lafayette couldn't resist telling Hercules about Laurens current situation. "Our little friend here appears to have a crush on his new roommate." Hercules let out a small chuckle as Laurens shot Lafayette a glare.

"He's just..." Laurens began and struggled to think of anything else to say. Hamilton was a lot of things already. He was cute, beautiful, and intelligent but of course Laurens couldn't just say those things. 

"Pretty," Lafayette told his boyfriend. 

"All I'm saying, is that if he hurts you I can beat him up," Hercules told Laurens.

"Okay mom." The three laughed.

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